Friday, November 25, 2016

The Beatitudes and Faith in 3 Nephi 12-14

Reading this chapters reminded me of what I need to do over and over again.  I have always tried to read here and there but never made the commitment to read and that is why my scriptures reading is more like a broken chariot that remains useless most of the time instead of being useful.  The Savior, after his resurrection, taught the people in the Americas, the same things he taught the people in the old world.  It's like I'm hearing these things for the first time instead of the hundred times.

*Love thy Neighbor
*Turn the Other Cheek
*Go the extra mile
*Don't be Judgemental
*Listen to the Prophets and Apostles
*Seek God first above anything or anyone else
*Forgive others
*Say you prayers.  Not in public but in secret and the Lord will reward you openly

Daily, I strive to do these things.  Daily, I fail to accomplish everything I need and want to do.  My imperfections nag at me daily and sometimes I just want to give it all up.  The more I try, it seems, the more obstacles seem to stand in my way.  I have to be reminded that this life is all about PROGRESS.  That I am of Divine heritage and God did not bring me here to this earth to fail.  That I need to do more to help others and serve others and to set an example to my children, who seems to be losing faith in us parents.  At least that's how I feel.  I need to be reminded that God did not put no loser on this earth.  That I have the potential to magnify whatever little talent I'm given to build up His kingdom and to build up my family.  Where I am now, is a very dangerous spot.  I'm lacking the faith because I'm giving up.  Reading this scripture today motivates me that if I remain strong in my faith, that's all God needs to give the boost I need to see the light of things and that He will provide for me like He hath always done in the past.

*"Ye of little Faith"
*"How many times do I need to go through this with you?"
* "Have I ever forsaken thee?"

"Consider the lilies of the field how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin...even Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these.  Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, even so will he clothe you, if ye are NOT OF LITTLE FAITH."

He touched on how we can not serve two masters for we will love one and hate the other.

Last but not least, he talked about how we should adhere to the words of His prophets and apostles.  By listening and doing what they say, we are building our houses upon the rock instead of the sands where it will be blown over, wrecked and shattered, when the wind blows and when the tempests arrive.

I love the Book of Mormon.  I love the scriptures.  I need to read it more and be consistent.   I need it because without it, I can not stand.  God knows us and He knows what we need.  He's given us rules and commandments to follow.  When we don't follow, we are vulnerable to the vices of Satan.  He only wants us to be miserable like him.  God wants us to be happy and He even gave up His only Begotten son Jesus Christ, so we can live again with Him.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Gadianton Robbers within the Nephites (Chap. 3-6)

During the 62nd year of the reign of the judges and we witness a change within the Nephites and the Lamanites.   The Lamanites now are more righteous than the Nephites.  They have managed to fight the evil powers of the Gadianton robbers and eradicate them from their midst.  At this time the Gadianton robbers have infested the lands of both Nephites and Lamanites.  The difference between the two is that many of the Nephites embraced these hideous robbers but the Lamanites defended themselves from them and wipes them out.

The tables have turned now as the Lamanites are trying to preach the gospel to the Nephites.  Pride and all manners of wickedness has gotten a hold in the hearts of the Nephites.  The church was having so much success with the conversion of the Lamanites because their hearts were softened and they were susceptible to the gospel and the truth.  The Nephites were:
become hardened and impenitent and grossly wicked, insomuch that they did reject the word of God and all the preaching and prophesying which did come among them." (6:2)

This cycle that the Nephites are in repeats itself over and over again.  We see it then and we see it now.  Gadianton robbers are successful within the Nephites.  Chief Cezoram is murdered and also his son that succeeded him.  All by the secret Gadianton robbers who have recruited many of the Nephites.  They are sworn in secrecy in oath and wickedness.  They committed all manners of wickedness and against the laws of God and the laws of the land.  They are ripe for destruction and thus ends the 68th year of the reign of the judges.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Helaman 1 and 2: Beginning of the Gadianton Robbers

The lesson was so compelling today as my husband was the teacher.  I'm always humbled by how knowledgeable he is when it come to scriptures and history.  How much information his brain can retain in comparison to how shallow mine is.  There are just some people who are gifted in that way.  They can speak what's on their mind perfectly and in an astonishing manner that they remember pits and pieces gathered here an there in their readings and it's amazing how they relay it in words.  Myself, I actually have to sit down and write word by word my talks or teachings and then rehearsed it so I can always say what I meant to say.  It doesn't come naturally as it does to my husband.  It's rehearsed.

The reading today was on the book of Helaman 1-6. This time period within the Nephites were chaos and contentious.  Pahoran, their chief judge, has just been murdered and Pacumeni, his brother became king.  Paanchi, the other brother, is behind all the rebellious movement as he wants to be king himself, instead of his other two brothers.  The kingdom was divided into three between them but Pacumeni, once the people put in their votes for Pahoran to be king, he went along with it.  He understands it was out of his hand and then he supported his brother.  But Paanchi, instead of doing what he's suppose to do, because he was filled with anger and resentment started the rebellion against chief-judge Pahoran.  When they had him tried, for what I think is, being a traitor, he was actually sentenced to death.  So his followers decided to send in someone to kill Pahoran.

Kishkumen was the one that was send forth to assassinate chief-judge Pahoran.  This is a man that must have been well acquainted with murder in secrecy and deceit.  He has a band of robbers and the one man that was appointed to be their ruler was none other than the "...exceedingly expert in many words, and also in his craft, to carry on the secret work of murder and of robbery." (2:4) Gadianton.
He became the leader of Kishkumen's band.  He promised the band power if he were to be appointed chief-judge or governor.  When he returned from assassinating Pahoran, he entered into a covenant with the rest of the band that they will never ever reveal him as the murderer of the chief-judge Pahoran.  That everything they do will be sworn into secrecy and can not be revealed.

The government was in between a rock and a hard place during this time.  Within itself was the Gadianton robbers and with out comes the army of the Lamanites, led by the ferocious Coriantumr, who thirst to destroy the Nephites.  He was a descendant of Zarahemla.  First he slayed Pacumeni and instead of settling for the capture of the city Zarahemla, he boldly marched towards the land Bountiful to siege it.  When Captain Moronihah found out about this, he swiftly send off Captain Lehi and his army to come around to head them off.  Soon, the Lamanites found out that they were sandwiched between Lehi and Moronihah's armies.  It was a "bloody battle" before they killed off Coriantumr and restored the land of Zarahemla back to the Nephites.  Moronihah allowed the Lamanites prisoners to return in peace to their own land.

In chapter 2, Helaman son of Helaman was appointed to become the chief-judge.  Kishkumen was just awaiting the opportunity to kill him.  As he proceeded to assassinate the chief-judge,  one of Helaman's servant, whom I thought was a "spy", he was already aware of the band's plan and their procedures.  Kishkumen was excited thinking his chance will finally come to pass to kill Helaman.  Instead, Helaman's servant got to him first and annihilate him.  Seeing that Kishkumen was not returning to their camp, Gadianton let his band out of the city and fled in secrecy, out of the city.  It was predicted that this was not going to be the end of the Gadianton Robbers.  That they will be responsible for the future downfall and destruction of almost the entire Nephites nation.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Judge Righteously

Alma 41:14 

"Therefore, my son, see that you are merciful unto your brethren; deal justly, judge righteously, and do good continually; and if ye do all these things then shall ye receive your reward; yea, ye shall have mercy restored unto you again; ye shall have justice restored unto you again; ye shall have a righteous judgment restored unto you again; and ye shall have good rewarded unto you again."

Questions to myself:

1.  Am I merciful to others?
2.  Do I deal justly with others?
3.  How do I judge others?

Last Thursday, I was called to the office by Bingham principalMy daughter Mele Vasiti stole a phone.  Apparently a girl forgot her phone on the lunch table and Mele took it.  Instead of returning it to the office so they locate the owner, she gave it to her friend Neni, to go and reset the phone so she can use it.  She threw away the sim card and boldly intent on keeping this phone for herself.

So many things ran through my mind after I hung up the phone with the Principal.  "What was she thinking?"  I can easily go in the office, punch her face first or beat the hell our of  her.  This is our typical Tongan parenting reaction to mishaps like these.  But Mele was already weeping on the phone when the Principal put her on the phone to talk to me and I felt her guilt and shame was punishment enough for her.  Plus, taking away her IPOD and sabotaging all Social pages like InstaGram and Snapchat. 

My husband always tells me that I am too "NAIVE" when it comes to my perceptions of people.  To me, all people are genuinely good.  They just make bad choices but that doesn't mean they are bad people.  Sometimes, I don't understand why some people do the things they do.  Sometimes our predicaments leads us to make wrong choices.  I understand that.   I want to give people a benefit of a doubt and not judge them but comprehend them.  Be more tolerant, kind, forgiving and understanding. 

I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around.  I know that when we do good unto others, that it will all come back to us ten times over.  The Book of Mormon teaches us that the Lord's ways are perfect and just.  That He forgives when we repent and that He loves us unconditionally sinless or sinful.  That God is merciful and He provides a way to Atone us.  He gave up His only son to the ways of the world, to be tortured and hung on the cross that we he may purchase us with His good grace so that when we REPENT of the things we do wrong.  We can be as clean as snow once again.  To me, this is Mercy.  This is Just and that with HIM, we're always being JUDGED RIGHTEOUSLY. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Long Pause

This is exactly what happens when we fall off the band-wagon with reading our scriptures.  The whole family go haywire.  At first, the family scripture reading goes, then I struggle to hang on with reading here and there at work.  Then it completely comes to a halt.  Yes.  We are on a HALT position and it is a dangerous position to be on.

It's been months.  Very rare and far inbetween the times that we make to read our scriptures.  Add to that my second job and it's pretty distant from the last time we read together.  My day starts at 5 with delivering kids to work then  coming home at 10pm from the end of my second job.  I have my Book of Mormon in my work bag.  Now I need to making some time in between calls to read my scriptures. 

So, tonite at my second job.  I will try to get back again.  At least with my personal reading.  As for family reading, I need my husband to step up to the task as he is the Mr. Mom of the family now.  We've definitely miss reading together as a family and the children are rotten without some scriptures in their lives to remind them and keep them on track with what they are suppose to do. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Black Sheep Corianton

What the blast was Corianton thinking?  To go and serve a mission for the Lord and end up taking a tumble in the hay with the HARLOT Isabel!  I mean, it just can't be one decent young lady.  No!  Alma couldn't just come out and call her a "whore".  LOL.  Harlot is a nicer way to put it. 

Alma 39: 4  Yea, she did asteal away the hearts of many; but this was no excuse for thee, my son. Thou shouldst have tended to the ministry wherewith thou wast entrusted.

I just couldn't help but giggle at the way Alma was trying to counsel his son firmly yet lovingly. Corianton was still in his youth.  Helaman and Shiblon was faithful and stalwart.  While this young kid was lustful!  Of course he must have been innocent and that "harlot" Isabel must have tempted him beyond all reason.  She's experienced after all because from the above verse, she apparently "steal" away many hearts which to me, in other words, she "screwed" many and the poor kid fell straight into her lustful grasps.  He did not know what hit him and just couldn't resist her tempting ways. 

Alma 39:9  Now my son, I would that ye should repent and forsake your sins, and go no more after the alusts of your eyes, but bcross yourself in all these things; for except ye do this ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. Oh, remember, and take it upon you, and ccross yourself in these things.

This is old news.  Many a male missionaries get send home because instead of focusing on a mission they allow themselves to be distracted by the female species.  Many of them got send home without finishing their missions.  That is one of the saddest things to see.  Alma advised Corianton to "CROSS" himself of all these abominations of the flesh.  Lust and Sexual Sins are an abominations before God and he needed to stop and repent. 
Alma 39:7 And now, my son, I would to God that ye had not been aguilty of so great a crime. I would not dwell upon your crimes, to harrow up your soul, if it were not for your good.

What Corianton did was devastating.  Not only did he commit a grievous sexual sin but by doing so, led away many of the Zoramites that Alma and the missionaries were trying to convert to the church.  His choice affected a lot of people. 

I love the fact that Alma was close to his sons.  To serve a mission together with them as they were still in their youths.  It must, of course, tore his heart apart when he found out about his Corianton's fornications and address the matter face to face with his son instead of ignoring them like that priest Eli in the Old Testament  So many characters in the Book of Mormon.  I love reading this magnificent book. 


Sunday, September 1, 2013


We stumble we get up we try and try again.  School has begun!  With all the hectic scheduling, we need to put some kind of order back in our family.  Last week our Bishop Falepapalangi said:  "If your home is not organized, Satan will have power in your homes."  That went straight to my heart because we are far from being organized.  I pray that Heavenly Father will still continue to watch over my family as I work to put some order back in our chaotic home. 

The power of prayer has always been my constant companion.  That direct, clear line between myself and my Father in Heaven has never been more define and clearer.  I am forever grateful for the power of prayer.  That I don't have to be in a certain situation or condition.  That I can prayer anytime, anywhere for the desires of my heart.  That line is always open, never busy and never disconnected from the other end, only from ours when we choose to.

Alma 33 tells of prayers by Zenos the prophet.  This is during Alma and the sons of Mosiah missionary journeys.  They discovered that the Zoramites has erected magnificent synagogues to offer their prayers only once a week.  They had cast out the poor among them and they dress in their finest attires to climb their synagogues and pray the same rehearsed and memorized prayer once a week.

This greatly astonished Alma and his companions.  They became successful among the poor people of the Zoramites and they taught them about prayers using the prophet Zenos words. We can pray in the
...wilderness, in our fields, in our closets, within our house and in the midst of our congregations.  We can pray for our enemies and to endure through our afflictions..

We can pray anywhere for anything we desire.  My endings however are always the same:  "Thy will be Done!"  It doesnt' matter where I  am, there's always a prayer of gratitude that graces my heart and shoots straight to the Heavens every second of that day that I'm reminded to be grateful.  And it will be from the most minuet things as a pen to write with or a car to ride in but most of all for the time I still have to enjoy this life.

My prayers are constantly for the safety and happiness of my children.  What parents pray for anything less?   "Bless my children, Leveni, Fusi and Selamafi, Leli, Silia, Mahonrai, Pati, Mele and Beverly. Help them make the right choices and keep them safe from harm and evil.  Wrap thy loving arms around them and blanket them with thy protection night and day.  Keep them safe and sound.  Bring them home to me at the end of each day"

It's never ending utterances of pleading and begging.   To a mighty Heavenly Father who foresees and have to power to do anything and everything.  Yet He chooses to give us our free agency to choose.  There are so many other things and people I pray for.  But never let it said that I failed to express my sincere gratitude at the beginning of each prayer and the ones that are always in my heart.  I AM GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE.    FOR A LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER AND HIS EVERLASTING SON JESUS CHRIST WHO HAVE SAVED US ALL. 

The power of prayers are magnificent.  I am grateful to be able to pray to a living GOD.  Amen