Well Hallelujah I've finally find time to update this side of my blogs. I can't believe how time flies. Well Family Scripture Reading is currently in a COMA. So far, we are skipping Family Prayers every now and then mainly because there's so much going on. Between camping, sleep overs, dance practices, Family Reunions and plain Family gathering, who has time to sit down anymore and read scriptures? I read faithfully however, every single morning at my work. From 6am-7am that's all I do and also update my journal entries. Because there's hardly any calls coming in.
I'm currently reading about the sons of Mosiah: Ammon, Aaron, Omner and Himni. The great success that they had serving their missions among the Lamanites. Also Alma serving his mission with them as well. They spread out and each took their own courses by way the Lord has sent them. I can imagine the joy that they feel preaching the words of God to the unbelieving Lamanites and having been able to convert them to believe in God and in Jesus Christ. King Mosiah's sons refused the Kingship request their father offered them. They'd rather become missionaries instead of kings.
Ammon's success with the people of King Lamoni was stunning. He became a stalwart servant of the king. Not waiting to be told what to-do. Always anticipating what he needed to do first and just did it. King Lamoni was greatly impressed by this dedication that Ammon eventually got a chance to teach him and he was converted.
Mosiah had pleaded with Heavenly Father to watch over his sons as they travel to preach the word:
" Now we see that Ammon could not be slain, for the aLord had said unto Mosiah, his father: I will spare him, and it shall be unto him according to thy faith—therefore, Mosiah btrusted him unto the Lord." Alma 19:23 The Lord kept His promise and delivered all his sons out of bondage and kept them safe as they roam the land, preaching His words.
Now, Alma, son of Alma, went with Amulek and preached to the Nephites in the city of Ammonihah without success. People had hardened their hearts and refused to give heed to the call to repentance. Eventually, the Lamanites fell upon the city of Ammonihah and completely destroyed the city and it's people.
"16 And behold, I am sent to command thee that thou return to the city of Ammonihah, and preach again unto the people of the city; yea, preach unto them. Yea, say unto them, except they repent the Lord God will destroy them." They were forewarned.
Aaron on the other hand, became very very successful with King Lamoni's father's people. Thousands and thousands of people were converted to the Lord. It was a magnificent reading because who would have known the Lamanites would be converted in the state of hatred they had against the Nephites? With God, anything is possible.