The lesson was so compelling today as my husband was the teacher. I'm always humbled by how knowledgeable he is when it come to scriptures and history. How much information his brain can retain in comparison to how shallow mine is. There are just some people who are gifted in that way. They can speak what's on their mind perfectly and in an astonishing manner that they remember pits and pieces gathered here an there in their readings and it's amazing how they relay it in words. Myself, I actually have to sit down and write word by word my talks or teachings and then rehearsed it so I can always say what I meant to say. It doesn't come naturally as it does to my husband. It's rehearsed.
The reading today was on the book of Helaman 1-6. This time period within the Nephites were chaos and contentious. Pahoran, their chief judge, has just been murdered and Pacumeni, his brother became king. Paanchi, the other brother, is behind all the rebellious movement as he wants to be king himself, instead of his other two brothers. The kingdom was divided into three between them but Pacumeni, once the people put in their votes for Pahoran to be king, he went along with it. He understands it was out of his hand and then he supported his brother. But Paanchi, instead of doing what he's suppose to do, because he was filled with anger and resentment started the rebellion against chief-judge Pahoran. When they had him tried, for what I think is, being a traitor, he was actually sentenced to death. So his followers decided to send in someone to kill Pahoran.
Kishkumen was the one that was send forth to assassinate chief-judge Pahoran. This is a man that must have been well acquainted with murder in secrecy and deceit. He has a band of robbers and the one man that was appointed to be their ruler was none other than the "...exceedingly expert in many words, and also in his craft, to carry on the secret work of murder and of robbery." (2:4) Gadianton.
He became the leader of Kishkumen's band. He promised the band power if he were to be appointed chief-judge or governor. When he returned from assassinating Pahoran, he entered into a covenant with the rest of the band that they will never ever reveal him as the murderer of the chief-judge Pahoran. That everything they do will be sworn into secrecy and can not be revealed.
The government was in between a rock and a hard place during this time. Within itself was the Gadianton robbers and with out comes the army of the Lamanites, led by the ferocious Coriantumr, who thirst to destroy the Nephites. He was a descendant of Zarahemla. First he slayed Pacumeni and instead of settling for the capture of the city Zarahemla, he boldly marched towards the land Bountiful to siege it. When Captain Moronihah found out about this, he swiftly send off Captain Lehi and his army to come around to head them off. Soon, the Lamanites found out that they were sandwiched between Lehi and Moronihah's armies. It was a "bloody battle" before they killed off Coriantumr and restored the land of Zarahemla back to the Nephites. Moronihah allowed the Lamanites prisoners to return in peace to their own land.
In chapter 2, Helaman son of Helaman was appointed to become the chief-judge. Kishkumen was just awaiting the opportunity to kill him. As he proceeded to assassinate the chief-judge, one of Helaman's servant, whom I thought was a "spy", he was already aware of the band's plan and their procedures. Kishkumen was excited thinking his chance will finally come to pass to kill Helaman. Instead, Helaman's servant got to him first and annihilate him. Seeing that Kishkumen was not returning to their camp, Gadianton let his band out of the city and fled in secrecy, out of the city. It was predicted that this was not going to be the end of the Gadianton Robbers. That they will be responsible for the future downfall and destruction of almost the entire Nephites nation.