Reading this chapters reminded me of what I need to do over and over again. I have always tried to read here and there but never made the commitment to read and that is why my scriptures reading is more like a broken chariot that remains useless most of the time instead of being useful. The Savior, after his resurrection, taught the people in the Americas, the same things he taught the people in the old world. It's like I'm hearing these things for the first time instead of the hundred times.
*Love thy Neighbor
*Turn the Other Cheek
*Go the extra mile
*Don't be Judgemental
*Listen to the Prophets and Apostles
*Seek God first above anything or anyone else
*Forgive others
*Say you prayers. Not in public but in secret and the Lord will reward you openly
Daily, I strive to do these things. Daily, I fail to accomplish everything I need and want to do. My imperfections nag at me daily and sometimes I just want to give it all up. The more I try, it seems, the more obstacles seem to stand in my way. I have to be reminded that this life is all about PROGRESS. That I am of Divine heritage and God did not bring me here to this earth to fail. That I need to do more to help others and serve others and to set an example to my children, who seems to be losing faith in us parents. At least that's how I feel. I need to be reminded that God did not put no loser on this earth. That I have the potential to magnify whatever little talent I'm given to build up His kingdom and to build up my family. Where I am now, is a very dangerous spot. I'm lacking the faith because I'm giving up. Reading this scripture today motivates me that if I remain strong in my faith, that's all God needs to give the boost I need to see the light of things and that He will provide for me like He hath always done in the past.
*"Ye of little Faith"
*"How many times do I need to go through this with you?"
* "Have I ever forsaken thee?"
"Consider the lilies of the field how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin...even Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, even so will he clothe you, if ye are NOT OF LITTLE FAITH."
He touched on how we can not serve two masters for we will love one and hate the other.
Last but not least, he talked about how we should adhere to the words of His prophets and apostles. By listening and doing what they say, we are building our houses upon the rock instead of the sands where it will be blown over, wrecked and shattered, when the wind blows and when the tempests arrive.
I love the Book of Mormon. I love the scriptures. I need to read it more and be consistent. I need it because without it, I can not stand. God knows us and He knows what we need. He's given us rules and commandments to follow. When we don't follow, we are vulnerable to the vices of Satan. He only wants us to be miserable like him. God wants us to be happy and He even gave up His only Begotten son Jesus Christ, so we can live again with Him.