Sunday, September 1, 2013


We stumble we get up we try and try again.  School has begun!  With all the hectic scheduling, we need to put some kind of order back in our family.  Last week our Bishop Falepapalangi said:  "If your home is not organized, Satan will have power in your homes."  That went straight to my heart because we are far from being organized.  I pray that Heavenly Father will still continue to watch over my family as I work to put some order back in our chaotic home. 

The power of prayer has always been my constant companion.  That direct, clear line between myself and my Father in Heaven has never been more define and clearer.  I am forever grateful for the power of prayer.  That I don't have to be in a certain situation or condition.  That I can prayer anytime, anywhere for the desires of my heart.  That line is always open, never busy and never disconnected from the other end, only from ours when we choose to.

Alma 33 tells of prayers by Zenos the prophet.  This is during Alma and the sons of Mosiah missionary journeys.  They discovered that the Zoramites has erected magnificent synagogues to offer their prayers only once a week.  They had cast out the poor among them and they dress in their finest attires to climb their synagogues and pray the same rehearsed and memorized prayer once a week.

This greatly astonished Alma and his companions.  They became successful among the poor people of the Zoramites and they taught them about prayers using the prophet Zenos words. We can pray in the
...wilderness, in our fields, in our closets, within our house and in the midst of our congregations.  We can pray for our enemies and to endure through our afflictions..

We can pray anywhere for anything we desire.  My endings however are always the same:  "Thy will be Done!"  It doesnt' matter where I  am, there's always a prayer of gratitude that graces my heart and shoots straight to the Heavens every second of that day that I'm reminded to be grateful.  And it will be from the most minuet things as a pen to write with or a car to ride in but most of all for the time I still have to enjoy this life.

My prayers are constantly for the safety and happiness of my children.  What parents pray for anything less?   "Bless my children, Leveni, Fusi and Selamafi, Leli, Silia, Mahonrai, Pati, Mele and Beverly. Help them make the right choices and keep them safe from harm and evil.  Wrap thy loving arms around them and blanket them with thy protection night and day.  Keep them safe and sound.  Bring them home to me at the end of each day"

It's never ending utterances of pleading and begging.   To a mighty Heavenly Father who foresees and have to power to do anything and everything.  Yet He chooses to give us our free agency to choose.  There are so many other things and people I pray for.  But never let it said that I failed to express my sincere gratitude at the beginning of each prayer and the ones that are always in my heart.  I AM GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE.    FOR A LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER AND HIS EVERLASTING SON JESUS CHRIST WHO HAVE SAVED US ALL. 

The power of prayers are magnificent.  I am grateful to be able to pray to a living GOD.  Amen

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