Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Covenant and the Mighty Ammon

We are currently on Mosiah 11 but I haven't blogged so I'll summarize chapters 6-11.  Slowly but surely we're getting back into the habit of reading our scriptures daily after much distraction from our moving.  It is such a good feeling to finally get back on track as we've all been deprived of the spirit from failing to read every day or as many times a week as we usually did in the past.

After King Benjamin spoke to his people, he urged them to enter into a covenant that they will keep the commandments of God and take upon them the name of Christ.  Every adult entered the covenant except their children who were too young to make covenants.

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we continue to make covenants with  Heavenly Father.  At the waters of Baptism, we make the same covenants that these Nephites made.  We covenant to take upon us the name of Christ.  At 8 years of age, every child who enters the water of baptism should understand this.  As a mother I have strove to teach my children the importance of keeping their baptismal covenants.   That means they have to live a Christlike life.  Christ was perfect in every way.  He was humble, lowly in heart and love unconditionally.  His whole life was that of SERVICE.  Though it's impossible to be perfect like Christ, it is possible to try to be as perfect as we can. 

We also make sacred Temple Covenants.  These covenants are there to help us live a Christlife life.  We are covenant keeping people and this separates us from the rest of the world.  Once we depart from these covenants, then we have no promise. 

At this time, King Benjamin anointed his son Mosiah, at 30 years of age to be the ruler and king.  475 years after Lehi and his family left Jerusalem.  Mosiah ruled in righteousness and the people once again began to prosper in the land.  Three years after Mosiah was made king, his father King Benjamin died.  Enjoyed peace within those three years and then he was desirous to know about those that had left to find the land of Lehi-Nephi. They send 16 of their strongest men.  One of them is a man called Ammon.

They found the people they were looking for.  King Limhi, son on the wicked king Noah who is the son of Zeniff that left Zarahemla.  He had sent out 43 people to go and look for the land of Zarahemla but they got lost.  He was delighted to know that Ammon came from Zarahemla and it has been years since Zeniff left.

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