Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fair daughters of the Lamanites

So tired to-night.  It's always so funny when I'm the one doing the reading.  I'd read and all of a sudden I'd doze off while reading.  I already know what to expect when I glance up.  All their eyes are on me.  One of them offers:  "Do you want me to read mom?"  That makes me more determined to finish at least the chapter I was reading.  Sometimes, when this happens, they'd just sit and watch me and they'd giggle between them or laugh.

We finished chapter 20 of the book of Mosiah this morning.  The unknown and false accusation of the Lamanites brought on full force wars after wars between them and King Limhi's people.

24 of the Lamanite's daughters gathered in their usual place to sing and to dance.  The wicked priest of king Noah came and abducted them.  The Lamanites thought that King Limhi's peol took their daughters.  Without waiting to get to the truth, they came barging in and war began.  Many were slaughtered and slain.  King Limhi's people were driven back, beaten by the Lamanites but they had wounded the king of the Lamanites.  King Limhi found out the reason behind their attack on them.

Gideon, his right hand man (King Limhis) suspected that the priest of the wicked King Noah were responsible for the kidnapping of the Lamanite's daughters.  

It's a darn shame that these wicked priests did what they did.  They created a war that took hundreds of lives. 

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