Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Book of Mormon story

At Sacrament Meeting to-day, our Bishop Tavake related his own Book of Mormon story to the congregation.  I love when Bishop talks.  It's always inspiring, uplifting and motivating.  He talked about his father.  How he came from Tonga and ended up in San Mateo, California.  With an 8th grade level education, he was able to get a job for Pan Am and became a prosperous man.  In a short time, his father was able to purchase a gas station, an apartment complex and six homes for himself and his family and to house all his families that come from Tonga.

There was one flaw that his father had, and that was his love to "faikava" (drink kava)  He'd work hard during the weekdays and then fly to Hawaii on weekends to faikava, then fly back on Sunday to get ready for work on Monday.  Bishop Tavake respected and love his father.  He witnessed how his father gradually started to loose everything he had.  Because he wasn't focusing on the most important things in life.  Church and family.  He eventually lost everything and ended up with nothing.

We were brought to this land of abundance by the hands of the good Lord.  This is the Promised Land.  Like the Nephites, if we fail to keep the commandments, we will not prosper in the land.  But if we keep the commandments, the Lord will bless us abundantly. 

We are done with the book of Jarom, Omni and Words of Mormon.  Tomorrow, we will begin with the Book of Mosiah.  I'm excited to read on.  Hundreds of years now have passed since Lehi left Jerusalem. So amazing to see what's happening with the descendants of Lehi.  I love reading the history of these people. 

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