Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A familiar pattern

As Jacob passed the records down to his son Omni, it is now 238 years from the day Lehi departed out of Jerusalem.  Omni was a warrior.  His hands have shed much blood due to the defending of his people, the Nehphites from the Lamanites.  He was not an outright righteous man and he admitted to it.

276 years from the departure of Lehi, Omni delivered up the plates to  his son Amaron
320 years passed, and the more wicked part of the Nephites were destroyed because of wickedness.  The Lord spared the righteous people. 
Amaron gave part of the plates to his brother Chemish.  They both contributed to keeping the records of the Nephites.  At the end, they both gave the plates to Abinadom (son of Chemish)
Abinadom pass down the plates to his son Amaleki
Amaleki didn't have any children so he gave up the plates to King Benjamin, son of Mosiah

Before Mosiah became a king, he was warned by the Lord to depart and flee from the land of the Nephites.  He took as many people that were willing to go with him and left.  The Lord led Mosiah and his people to the land of Zarahemla.

The land of Zarahemla was led by their king whose name was Zarahemla.  His people were led by the Lord's hands out of Jerusalem when king Zedekiah was taken captive into Babylon.    They journeyed in the wilderness just like Lehi and his family and the Lord brought them across the sea to where Mosiah and his people found them.

The people of  Zarahemla, like the Nephites were involved in many wars and contentions also.  Many of their people perished from the result of war in-between themselves.  When Mosiah and his people met them, they had to teach Zarahemla's people their language because their own language have been corrupted and they didn't understand each others. Mosiah's people and Zarahemla's people were united.  They made Mosiah their king.

A large stone was brought before king Mosiah.  There were writings on the stone.  With the power of the Lord, Mosiah was able to interpret the writings and it was a story of a man called Coriuntumr.  He was discovered by the people of Zarahemla and he lived with them for 9 moons.  Coriuntumr's father came from the time of the tower of Babel.  (Omni 1:22)

It is apparent that the Lord, in his desire to preserve the righteous people, he leads them away from the wicked people and their land.  It's a familiar pattern now that's happening in the Book of Mormon reading.

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