Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sherem the Anti Christ

Finally we finish the book of Jacob.  Because we're in the process of remodeling and trying to move, it's harder to be consistent with our family reading.  This past weekend, we failed to read at all because my Papi and Mele spent the weekend over at my sister's.  My husband and the other two, Mahonrai and Bev were working on the house, while I was at home working.  So this morning, we finally were able to start our reading with all members of our family present. 

The Book of Jacob has only 7 chapters but it took us, what it almost feels like forever, to finish it. We had a tough time reading chapter 5, the words of the prophet Zenos about the tame and the wild Olive tree.  This chapter has 77 verses.  It took us 3 readings to finish it. 

An interesting story in Jacob 7 was about the anti-Christ Sherem.  He was a learned man and well versed in both language and knowledge, using much flattery to persuade the people that there is no Christ.  He believed in God and in the scriptures, he just doesn't believe that there is a Christ.  According to the power of the devil, Sherem was successful in leading many to deny Christ.  Then, he sought out Jacob.

Sherem accused Jacob of perverting the ways of God by teaching that there is a Christ.  On verse 2, Jacob asked him: " ...Deniest thou the Christ who shall come? And he said: If there should be a Christ, I would not deny him; but I know that there is no Christ, neither has been, nor ever will be."
 10 And I said unto him: Believest thou the scriptures? And he said, Yea.
 11 And I said unto him: Then ye do not understand them; for they truly testify of Christ. Behold, I say unto you that none of the prophets have written, nor prophesied, save they have spoken concerning this Christ.

As  typical of most non-believers and anti-Christ, Sherem demanded a "sign"  
13 And it came to pass that he said unto me: Show me a sign by this power of the Holy Ghost, in the which ye know so much.
14 And I said unto him: What am I that I should tempt God to show unto thee a sign in the thing which thou knowest to be true? Yet thou wilt deny it, because thou art of the devil. Nevertheless, not my will be done; but if God shall smite thee, let that be a sign unto thee that he has power, both in heaven and in earth; and also, that Christ shall come. And thy will, O Lord, be done, and not mine.  
15 And it came to pass that when I, Jacob, had spoken these words, the power of the Lord came upon him, insomuch that he fell to the earth...

For many days, Sherem has to be nourished to stay alive.  He desired to gather all the people so that he may confess his sins that he had been deceived by the power of the devil.
19 And he said: I fear lest I have committed the unpardonable sin, for I have lied unto God; for I denied the Christ, and said that I believed the scriptures; and they truly testify of him. And because I have thus lied unto God I greatly fear lest my case shall be awful; but I confess unto God.

After confessing his sins, Sherem "gave up the ghost" (died).  Upon hearing his confessions, the people once again repented and "peace and the love of god" was restored among them.  They tried to go out to Lamanites to preach the words of Christ to them, but it was all in vain.  The Lamanites have become people 24... who delighted in wars and bloodshed, and they had an eternal hatred against us, their brethren. And they sought by the power of their arms to destroy us continually.

Jacob became old and taught everything he knew to his son Enos.  Before his death, he gave Enos, the records to keep and write.  Then Jacob dies.

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