Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Words Of Mormon

This is only 1 chapter and it's the prophet Mormon, after many years since the coming of Christ, is witnessing everything that has been foretold and foreseen by the prophets before Christ, happening.  The almost annihilation of the Nephites.  He's about to deliver the records that has been handed down from generation to generation to the hands of his son Moroni. 

As Mormon goes through the records he found the plates that was written from the time of Jacob down to the time of King Benjamin.  He took those records and combine them with his own records: 

 And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will.    

What a blessing it is to have the records of these people, right at the tips of our fingers.  We read about their struggles, their afflictions and it is not so much different from ours.  Perhaps they endure more physical trials and afflictions but even to these days, the Lord still works the same pattern.  The Pioneers, how they journeyed to find the place.  They found Utah where the Lord wanted them to establish the church and look how far it has come.  How beautiful and prosperous.

But the Lord preserved these records so that his people can benefit from them and learn to come unto Christ from them.  Not only the Book of Mormon, but he had preserved the Bible and many other books for our benefits that it may teach us His ways and that we may have guidelines in our lives.  It is for our own benefits.

I love the scriptures but especially this great Book of Mormon.  I've read it over and over so many time, not from cover to cover but here and there, but this is one of the most spiritual reading I've ever done.  Our journey with my family to finish this great book this year.   It's so amazing.  This is "the wise purpose" that Mormon was talking about.  That these records touches lives of those hundreds and hundreds of years after they've been written.  We have it here in our house.  Thank you thank you. 

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