It's apparent as we continue reading our scriptures that God's ways are never changing. That He is the same yesterday, to-day and forever will be. His ways are sure and unfaltering unlike that of men. This is why I don't put my trust in any man except in the Hands of the Almighty God and His son Jesus Christ. They and only They will I put my trust.
31. "Cursed is he that putteth his atrust in man.."
There has always been a great plan from the beginning. The Lord has given us rules and guidelines to follow. Everything has been carefully planned out and through generations of time, we've given prophets, teachers and goodly parents to teach us the ways of the Lord. On top of that, we've been given books that have been written and preserved by the hands of great men, to teach us the will of God.
30 For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon aprecept,
here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken
unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn bwisdom; for unto him that creceiveth I will give dmore; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.
As babies, we eat baby foods, take baby steps and from there on we start growing. We all know that this is how it always work out. Baby steps and then big adult steps, naturally. So it is with the ways of God. In my own life, I feel that in the Lord's own ways, He has greatly blessed me. Not in heavy dosages but a sprinkle here and a sprinkle there to keep me humble and grateful. He knows me better then I know myself and better then anyone else. Given full dosages, I'd surely become prideful, forgetful and haughty just like the Nephites. Thinking that I am better then anyone else. That is just the person I am.
The Lord will not overwhelm us but He will gently urge and guide us. When we gain knowledge, it will be upon seeking and studying and then He will slowly unfold the wrinkles in our minds to start embracing His glory which is INTELLIGENCE! The more we seek, the more we are given and the more we are given, the more we are enlightened of His ways until we become Perfected in Him.
On verse 21 "... All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the cdevil dcheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell."
Too many are leisuring, relaxing and are contend with doing nothing worthwhile in Zion. They think because they are members of the church, that, that will be all that they need to do to be saved in the kingdom of God. They're lazy and selfish. Suppressing their hands from giving of their time and talents to serve the Lord. There's just so much to do. In each ward there's much needed help within each organization in building up of children and members of the ward. If you don't have two or more calling in the ward, you're not doing enough.
My daughter Mele was the one doing the reading this night. She reads with an English accent and she is an excellent reader.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Plain Speaking
I'm not too disappointed to know that I don't have the spirit of prophecy. Nephi in this chapter, 2Nephi 25
is saying that the words of Isaiah are hard for many to understand and the reason being, is that, "...they know not concerning the manner of prophesying among the Jews." v1 It may not seem easy for me to understand the words of Isaiah, it is easy however, for those who have the right spirit of prophecy to know in plain speaking what he is saying.
So in this chapter, Nephi is translating the meaning of the words of Isaiah according to his understanding and what the spirit is telling him.
* v9 "And as one generation hath been adestroyed among the Jews because of iniquity, even so have they been destroyed from generation to generation according to their iniquities; and never hath any of them been destroyed save it were bforetold them by the prophets of the Lord."
* Jews will reject the only "begotten of the Father" and they will crucify Him.
* After His body will be laid in the sepulchre for 3 days, he will rise from the dead and show Himself to
His people.
* Jerusalem will be destroyed again and the Jews will be scattered and scourged among nations from
generations to generations until they...16 " bbelieve in Christ, the Son of God, and the atonement, which is infinite for all mankind—and when that day shall come that they shall believe in Christ, and worship the Father in his name, with pure hearts and cclean hands, and look not forward any more for danother Messiah, then, at that time, the day will come that it must needs be expedient that they should believe these things. 17 And the Lord will set his hand again the second time to arestore his people from their lost and fallen state."
* Nephi saw that Jesus Christ will be born 600 years after his father Lehi, left Jerusalem
* Nephi prophesied that the records which he had written will pass down from generation to generation.
23 For we labor diligently to write, to apersuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by bgrace that we are saved, after all we can cdo.
One of my personal favorite verses in the Book of Mormon is this one in 2Nep.
26 And we atalk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we bprophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our cchildren may know to what source they may look for a dremission of their sins.
Nephi speaks plainly because he wanted everyone to understand exactly what he is talking about. So that no one "misunderstands" him.
29 And now behold, I say unto you that the right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore ye must bow down before him, and aworship him with all your bmight, mind, and strength, and your whole soul; and if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast out.
is saying that the words of Isaiah are hard for many to understand and the reason being, is that, "...they know not concerning the manner of prophesying among the Jews." v1 It may not seem easy for me to understand the words of Isaiah, it is easy however, for those who have the right spirit of prophecy to know in plain speaking what he is saying.
So in this chapter, Nephi is translating the meaning of the words of Isaiah according to his understanding and what the spirit is telling him.
* v9 "And as one generation hath been adestroyed among the Jews because of iniquity, even so have they been destroyed from generation to generation according to their iniquities; and never hath any of them been destroyed save it were bforetold them by the prophets of the Lord."
* Jews will reject the only "begotten of the Father" and they will crucify Him.
* After His body will be laid in the sepulchre for 3 days, he will rise from the dead and show Himself to
His people.
* Jerusalem will be destroyed again and the Jews will be scattered and scourged among nations from
generations to generations until they...16 " bbelieve in Christ, the Son of God, and the atonement, which is infinite for all mankind—and when that day shall come that they shall believe in Christ, and worship the Father in his name, with pure hearts and cclean hands, and look not forward any more for danother Messiah, then, at that time, the day will come that it must needs be expedient that they should believe these things. 17 And the Lord will set his hand again the second time to arestore his people from their lost and fallen state."
* Nephi saw that Jesus Christ will be born 600 years after his father Lehi, left Jerusalem
* Nephi prophesied that the records which he had written will pass down from generation to generation.
23 For we labor diligently to write, to apersuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by bgrace that we are saved, after all we can cdo.
One of my personal favorite verses in the Book of Mormon is this one in 2Nep.
26 And we atalk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we bprophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our cchildren may know to what source they may look for a dremission of their sins.
Nephi speaks plainly because he wanted everyone to understand exactly what he is talking about. So that no one "misunderstands" him.
29 And now behold, I say unto you that the right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore ye must bow down before him, and aworship him with all your bmight, mind, and strength, and your whole soul; and if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast out.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Words of Isaiah and sleepy people
We've finally finished reading the words of Isaiah which ends in 2Neph. 24. It was a mystery before this reading, and it still remains a mystery to me after we read. So many brilliant metaphors used by this prophet. I have no clue what any of them means. The only parts I seem to understand is when he talks about a Virgin and a child. These prophecies were sung by prophets hundreds of years before Christ was even born.
I find that as I make it a habit and not falter in being persistent with our reading, it becomes easier to wake up early in the morning, no matter how late I go to bed. It also becomes easy for the children to wake up and hike themselves to the living room with all their blankets and puppies. My Papi is always the one that we wait for. She's spending way too much time in front of the mirror.
This morning though, I was dozing off while I was reading. Seeing this, Papi offered for her to read for me. Sometimes, everyone has a scripture in their hands while we're reading and sometimes, I'm the only on that reads and they listen. Some of them are dozing off while I'm reading but that's okay, at least they can hear. Every time I'd pause, I'd hear one of them, "Keep reading mom".
We still need a lot of things to work on in our routine with our scripture reading. Some mornings we read only 2 chapters and other mornings, like to-day, we read about 6 chapters. We also make it a habit to read both morning and night and what an excellent way to start and end our day. What we really have to work on is our weekend readings. Especially Friday nights and Saturdays. Because I work non-stop, it's hard to make time for reading. But you'd think my husband would take over? Think again.
Some of the words of Isaiah refers to are "Mountains of the Lord". I know this is talking about the temple and this year, regrettably, I haven't been to one session in the temple. Every time I plan on going, something comes up. But I will get there before the month is over. This Thursday is my temple day with Peta. So hopefully I won't make up any more lame excuses because I really need to go and attend a Temple session.
My soul yearns and thirst for it as I'm fulfilling my obligations as a member of the church. And yet I keep delaying and denying myself the opportunity to nourish my spirit.
I find that as I make it a habit and not falter in being persistent with our reading, it becomes easier to wake up early in the morning, no matter how late I go to bed. It also becomes easy for the children to wake up and hike themselves to the living room with all their blankets and puppies. My Papi is always the one that we wait for. She's spending way too much time in front of the mirror.
This morning though, I was dozing off while I was reading. Seeing this, Papi offered for her to read for me. Sometimes, everyone has a scripture in their hands while we're reading and sometimes, I'm the only on that reads and they listen. Some of them are dozing off while I'm reading but that's okay, at least they can hear. Every time I'd pause, I'd hear one of them, "Keep reading mom".
We still need a lot of things to work on in our routine with our scripture reading. Some mornings we read only 2 chapters and other mornings, like to-day, we read about 6 chapters. We also make it a habit to read both morning and night and what an excellent way to start and end our day. What we really have to work on is our weekend readings. Especially Friday nights and Saturdays. Because I work non-stop, it's hard to make time for reading. But you'd think my husband would take over? Think again.
Some of the words of Isaiah refers to are "Mountains of the Lord". I know this is talking about the temple and this year, regrettably, I haven't been to one session in the temple. Every time I plan on going, something comes up. But I will get there before the month is over. This Thursday is my temple day with Peta. So hopefully I won't make up any more lame excuses because I really need to go and attend a Temple session.
My soul yearns and thirst for it as I'm fulfilling my obligations as a member of the church. And yet I keep delaying and denying myself the opportunity to nourish my spirit.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Jews and Gentiles
This evening I was so tired. Our weekend mandatory began Friday night at 11pm. I've worked since then, all day Saturday and all night last night and all morning this Sunday morning. My sister-in-law Sarah, picked me up to play accompaniment on the piano for Lupi Lapu'aho. Then my husband picked me up and dropped me off at church to play our organ for Sacrament as I am the ward organist. Haven't gotten any decent sleep but I wished someone else would step it up to do our reading. When I don't do it, no one else does it. So we missed Saturday and this evening, I made sure we read before going back to work at 10pm. On chapter 2Neph. 10
Jacob is speaking to the people about Christ and the Jews. 3 Wherefore, as I said unto you, it must needs be expedient that Christ—for in the last night the aangel spake unto me that this should be his name—should bcome among the cJews, among those who are the more wicked part of the world; and they shall dcrucify him—for thus it behooveth our God, and there is none other nation on earth that would ecrucify their fGod.
Only the Jews were hardened enough in their hearts to crucify their Savior. For that, they became a much despised and hated people. Driven back and fro among nations. They paid back then and are still paying even to this day. They will continue to do so until the day that they will come full circle to know that Jesus Christ is their only Lord, Redeemer and Savior.
6. Wherefore, because of their iniquities, destructions, famines, apestilences, and bloodshed shall come upon them; and they who shall not be destroyed shall be bscattered among all nations.
Once the Jews come to know the Savior, the Lord will remember His covenant with their Fathers and will be merciful unto them.
8 And it shall come to pass that they shall be agathered in from their long dispersion, from the bisles of the sea, and from the four parts of the earth; and the nations of the Gentiles shall be great in the eyes of me, saith God, in ccarrying them forth to the lands of their inheritance.
The Gentiles, on the other hand, will be the"nursing fathers" for the house of Israel. They will be blessed upon this Promised land.
11 And this land shall be a land of aliberty unto the Gentiles, and there shall be no bkings upon the land, who shall raise up unto the Gentiles.
Jacob is speaking to the people about Christ and the Jews. 3 Wherefore, as I said unto you, it must needs be expedient that Christ—for in the last night the aangel spake unto me that this should be his name—should bcome among the cJews, among those who are the more wicked part of the world; and they shall dcrucify him—for thus it behooveth our God, and there is none other nation on earth that would ecrucify their fGod.
Only the Jews were hardened enough in their hearts to crucify their Savior. For that, they became a much despised and hated people. Driven back and fro among nations. They paid back then and are still paying even to this day. They will continue to do so until the day that they will come full circle to know that Jesus Christ is their only Lord, Redeemer and Savior.
6. Wherefore, because of their iniquities, destructions, famines, apestilences, and bloodshed shall come upon them; and they who shall not be destroyed shall be bscattered among all nations.
Once the Jews come to know the Savior, the Lord will remember His covenant with their Fathers and will be merciful unto them.
8 And it shall come to pass that they shall be agathered in from their long dispersion, from the bisles of the sea, and from the four parts of the earth; and the nations of the Gentiles shall be great in the eyes of me, saith God, in ccarrying them forth to the lands of their inheritance.
The Gentiles, on the other hand, will be the"nursing fathers" for the house of Israel. They will be blessed upon this Promised land.
11 And this land shall be a land of aliberty unto the Gentiles, and there shall be no bkings upon the land, who shall raise up unto the Gentiles.
Friday, January 18, 2013
The Plan of Salvation
Last night we took turns reading from chapter 9 of 2Nep. Holy Moly but it was one long chapter! Beverly always wants to read every single time but none of us wants her to read for she reads like a 3rd grader instead of a 6th grader. It never fails, every time she asks: "Can I read now?" Like a chorus the other kids sang; "NOOOO?" No matter though, Beverly will take a turn reading now and then and we just have to be patient and hear her out.
Jacob speaks of two types of death. Spiritual death and Physical death. (2Nep 9:2)
2 And this adeath of which I have spoken, which is the spiritual death, shall deliver up its dead; which spiritual death is bhell; wherefore, death and hell must cdeliver up their dead, and hell must deliver up its dcaptive espirits, and the grave must deliver up its captive fbodies, and the bodies and the gspirits of men will be hrestored one to the other; and it is by the power of the resurrection of the Holy One of Israel.
He speaks of RESURRECTION and the consequences of the choices that we make in this life.
4 Wherefore, we shall have a aperfect bknowledge of all our cguilt, and our duncleanness, and our enakedness; and the righteous shall have a perfect knowledge of their enjoyment, and their frighteousness, being gclothed with hpurity, yea, even with the irobe of righteousness.
He speaks of a "first death" and then a "judgement"
16 And assuredly, as the Lord liveth, for the Lord God hath spoken it, and it is his eternal aword, which cannot bpass away, that they who are righteous shall be righteous still, and they who are cfilthy shall be dfilthy still; wherefore, they who are filthy are the edevil and his angels; and they shall go away into feverlasting fire, prepared for them; and their gtorment is as a hlake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever and has no end.
He speakS of the ATONEMENT
26 For the aatonement satisfieth the demands of his bjustice upon all those who chave not the dlaw given to them, that they are edelivered from that awful monster, death and fhell, and the devil, and the lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment; and they are restored to that God who gave them gbreath, which is the Holy One of Israel.
Jacob delivered powerful words concerning the Atonement of Jesus Christ. That in Him all will be resurrected and can have the Atonement work for them if they but repent and keep His commandment. That Satan, the devil himself wants followers and that he entices, entrapped and blindeth people with the things of this world so that they may not be able to make the right choices. I know what the plan that Heavenly Father gave to us. It's a wonderful plan, an excellent plan that enables us to all return home to Him once we depart this earth making the right choices.
Jacob speaks of two types of death. Spiritual death and Physical death. (2Nep 9:2)
2 And this adeath of which I have spoken, which is the spiritual death, shall deliver up its dead; which spiritual death is bhell; wherefore, death and hell must cdeliver up their dead, and hell must deliver up its dcaptive espirits, and the grave must deliver up its captive fbodies, and the bodies and the gspirits of men will be hrestored one to the other; and it is by the power of the resurrection of the Holy One of Israel.
He speaks of RESURRECTION and the consequences of the choices that we make in this life.
4 Wherefore, we shall have a aperfect bknowledge of all our cguilt, and our duncleanness, and our enakedness; and the righteous shall have a perfect knowledge of their enjoyment, and their frighteousness, being gclothed with hpurity, yea, even with the irobe of righteousness.
He speaks of a "first death" and then a "judgement"
16 And assuredly, as the Lord liveth, for the Lord God hath spoken it, and it is his eternal aword, which cannot bpass away, that they who are righteous shall be righteous still, and they who are cfilthy shall be dfilthy still; wherefore, they who are filthy are the edevil and his angels; and they shall go away into feverlasting fire, prepared for them; and their gtorment is as a hlake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever and has no end.
He speakS of the ATONEMENT
26 For the aatonement satisfieth the demands of his bjustice upon all those who chave not the dlaw given to them, that they are edelivered from that awful monster, death and fhell, and the devil, and the lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment; and they are restored to that God who gave them gbreath, which is the Holy One of Israel.
Jacob delivered powerful words concerning the Atonement of Jesus Christ. That in Him all will be resurrected and can have the Atonement work for them if they but repent and keep His commandment. That Satan, the devil himself wants followers and that he entices, entrapped and blindeth people with the things of this world so that they may not be able to make the right choices. I know what the plan that Heavenly Father gave to us. It's a wonderful plan, an excellent plan that enables us to all return home to Him once we depart this earth making the right choices.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Jacob and the words of Isaiah
We read of Jacob, the younger brother of Nephi this morning. He as well as Joseph are the priests and the teachers for the Nephites now.
3. Nevertheless, I speak unto you again; for I am desirous for the awelfare of your souls. Yea, mine anxiety is great for you; and ye yourselves know that it ever has been. For I have exhorted you with all diligence; and I have taught you the words of my father; and I have spoken unto you concerning all things which are bwritten, from the creation of the world.
Both Jacob and Joseph were consecrated to be teachers and priests for the Nephites. They labored diligently to teach the people the ways of the Lord. It's clear to me that when the Lord needs work to be done for the human race, He doesn't come down Himself and do it. He chooses righteous men and women to carry out His will.
Ever since I born my first child, I have always held a calling in the church. 95% of that calling is within the Primary Organization. Because I love Primary children with all my heart. This is my niche in this world. To teach God's words to the innocents and this has greatly blessed my own children too. I hope to continue on to my children and their children. Even to the end of time for I have truly learned how to become submissive like a little child. They are so pure and clean and so very precious.
We've moved so many times and everywhere I go, I find myself within the Primary room each Sunday. When I am new to a ward, I don't wait to be called to a position, I volunteer my help. My mother must have had some great vision for her children, because, even when we grew up in an island out of nowhere, she saw to it that we took piano lesson and to this day, I know God must have planted it in her heart for here I am to-day using that very talent to serve Him and Jesus Christ in every ward we go to. Especially in Primary.
I am forever grateful to my mother for her visions of the future.
The words of Isaiah has always been difficult for me to comprehend. The more I read though, it become easier to understand. The next few chapters of the 2nd book of Nephi are Jacob rehearsing all the words of Isaiah. So my next posts will be about those words and what I understand about them.
3. Nevertheless, I speak unto you again; for I am desirous for the awelfare of your souls. Yea, mine anxiety is great for you; and ye yourselves know that it ever has been. For I have exhorted you with all diligence; and I have taught you the words of my father; and I have spoken unto you concerning all things which are bwritten, from the creation of the world.
Both Jacob and Joseph were consecrated to be teachers and priests for the Nephites. They labored diligently to teach the people the ways of the Lord. It's clear to me that when the Lord needs work to be done for the human race, He doesn't come down Himself and do it. He chooses righteous men and women to carry out His will.
Ever since I born my first child, I have always held a calling in the church. 95% of that calling is within the Primary Organization. Because I love Primary children with all my heart. This is my niche in this world. To teach God's words to the innocents and this has greatly blessed my own children too. I hope to continue on to my children and their children. Even to the end of time for I have truly learned how to become submissive like a little child. They are so pure and clean and so very precious.
We've moved so many times and everywhere I go, I find myself within the Primary room each Sunday. When I am new to a ward, I don't wait to be called to a position, I volunteer my help. My mother must have had some great vision for her children, because, even when we grew up in an island out of nowhere, she saw to it that we took piano lesson and to this day, I know God must have planted it in her heart for here I am to-day using that very talent to serve Him and Jesus Christ in every ward we go to. Especially in Primary.
I am forever grateful to my mother for her visions of the future.
The words of Isaiah has always been difficult for me to comprehend. The more I read though, it become easier to understand. The next few chapters of the 2nd book of Nephi are Jacob rehearsing all the words of Isaiah. So my next posts will be about those words and what I understand about them.
The Separation Begins
Yesterday morning we woke up late as we had a late night the night before at my son Leveni's house. So we just said grace and then we did reading last night after Mutual. A few things are happening in this chapter.
2Nephi 5 after their beloved father Lehi departs from this world:
* Laman and Lemuel resumes their defiant and incompliant manners toward Nephi. They plot to take away his life.
* Nephi, in a dream, was commanded by the Lord that he should gather all his children and his belongings and leave. Get away from his older brothers for they desire to end his life.
*Nephi took his youngers brothers, Zoram (his friend), his sisters and all those who would follow him and departed away from Laman and Lemuel and their people.
*They traveled for many days and then pitched their tent and dwelled in a place they called Nephi.
*People were desirous to make Nephi their King but Nephi refused.
*The people of Nephi grew in numbers and prospered exceedingly upon the land. Nephi taught them to labor with their hands and they became an industrious people
*Nephi had the people build a temple to the Lord. After the manner of King Solomon's temple but not with the same rich material. Nonetheless it was a magnificent temple.
*The Lord cursed the Lamanites (people of Laman and Lemuel) with dark skin. They became a "loathsome" and lazy people full of "mischief" and "subtlety".
*Nephi consecrated his two younger brothers Jacob and Joseph, to become teachers and priests to the Nephites (people of Nephi)
*30-40 years passed since the day they left Jerusalem. Nephi took Laban's sword and made weapons for his people for the Lamanites were a threat to their safety and freedom. They had already gone into war with them and there were much contentions among the Nephites and the Lamanites.
One of the many characters that is revealed about Nephi in this chapters is that, he loved his family dearly. He could have just easily gotten up and hike himself and only his family into the wilderness for safety. No, he took his dear friend Zoram and his younger brothers and sisters and their families with him. Also all that has not rebelled against God.
Again we read of Zoram who have become a dear friend to Nephi. On our previous reading about Zoram, we learned that Zoram made an OATH with Lehi and his family that he will travel with them and not return to Jerusalem. After he made the oath, Lehi and Nephi never have to worry about him breaking his words. They didn't wonder whether Zoram would keep his words. A man is only as good as his words. He was bind to it with his life. Zoram kept his OATH.
2Nephi 5 after their beloved father Lehi departs from this world:
* Laman and Lemuel resumes their defiant and incompliant manners toward Nephi. They plot to take away his life.
* Nephi, in a dream, was commanded by the Lord that he should gather all his children and his belongings and leave. Get away from his older brothers for they desire to end his life.
*Nephi took his youngers brothers, Zoram (his friend), his sisters and all those who would follow him and departed away from Laman and Lemuel and their people.
*They traveled for many days and then pitched their tent and dwelled in a place they called Nephi.
*People were desirous to make Nephi their King but Nephi refused.
*The people of Nephi grew in numbers and prospered exceedingly upon the land. Nephi taught them to labor with their hands and they became an industrious people
*Nephi had the people build a temple to the Lord. After the manner of King Solomon's temple but not with the same rich material. Nonetheless it was a magnificent temple.
*The Lord cursed the Lamanites (people of Laman and Lemuel) with dark skin. They became a "loathsome" and lazy people full of "mischief" and "subtlety".
*Nephi consecrated his two younger brothers Jacob and Joseph, to become teachers and priests to the Nephites (people of Nephi)
*30-40 years passed since the day they left Jerusalem. Nephi took Laban's sword and made weapons for his people for the Lamanites were a threat to their safety and freedom. They had already gone into war with them and there were much contentions among the Nephites and the Lamanites.
One of the many characters that is revealed about Nephi in this chapters is that, he loved his family dearly. He could have just easily gotten up and hike himself and only his family into the wilderness for safety. No, he took his dear friend Zoram and his younger brothers and sisters and their families with him. Also all that has not rebelled against God.
Again we read of Zoram who have become a dear friend to Nephi. On our previous reading about Zoram, we learned that Zoram made an OATH with Lehi and his family that he will travel with them and not return to Jerusalem. After he made the oath, Lehi and Nephi never have to worry about him breaking his words. They didn't wonder whether Zoram would keep his words. A man is only as good as his words. He was bind to it with his life. Zoram kept his OATH.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Nephi's Psalms
Towards the end of the fourth chapter of 2Nep. Nephi sings his praise to the Lord.
15. ...For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning,and the profit of my children.
16. Behold my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.
One of my favorite verses in this reading is on vs. 28. Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul.
24. And by day have I waxed bold in mighty prayer before him; yea, my voice have I sent up on high; and angels came down and ministered unto me.
Nephi was a prayerful person. When he wanted something, he knelt before the Lord in mighty prayer and asked. He had complete trust in the Lord and this where I need to work on. My faith I find, can wax strong in the Lord, like Nephi's, when I am in total submissive to the will of God.
I find that when I do not doubt Him, I'm fearless about anything else. That I know that where there is a will there will always a way proved by Him. Now and then in my own life, I go through stages of my faith.
So so and not really trusting in the Lord and putting my own trust in my own hands and others. Then I come to find out just how useless that is. Nothing last and nothing is sure when it's not God's hands that you place your life.
Nephi, has gotten to that point of pure faith in a young age. I know that my faith and testimony as a young woman was stout and unmovable. Then I began to be distracted by the things of this world that I gave place to doubts and fear. Then eventually in total chaos in my own life and my family. Now, this book! This Book of Mormon, is slowly refining my faith and strengthening it to a point that there is no more doubts. That I trust the Lord completely with everything aspect of my life and my family's.
Yesterday in primary, I taught the children the last 2 verses of "I am a Child of God". I love the fact that I am an instrument in teaching principles and faith to these wonderful, beautiful and precious children of the Lord. That I am the way that I am when it comes to magnifying my calling in Primary. That I can assist in planting a seed in the hearts of these children that one day, they may nourish it on their own.
God has been so good to me. He has been so good to my family. I am in His debt forever. I only pray that the way I live my life will give back a fraction of what He has blessed me with.
15. ...For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning,and the profit of my children.
16. Behold my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.
One of my favorite verses in this reading is on vs. 28. Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul.
24. And by day have I waxed bold in mighty prayer before him; yea, my voice have I sent up on high; and angels came down and ministered unto me.
Nephi was a prayerful person. When he wanted something, he knelt before the Lord in mighty prayer and asked. He had complete trust in the Lord and this where I need to work on. My faith I find, can wax strong in the Lord, like Nephi's, when I am in total submissive to the will of God.
I find that when I do not doubt Him, I'm fearless about anything else. That I know that where there is a will there will always a way proved by Him. Now and then in my own life, I go through stages of my faith.
So so and not really trusting in the Lord and putting my own trust in my own hands and others. Then I come to find out just how useless that is. Nothing last and nothing is sure when it's not God's hands that you place your life.
Nephi, has gotten to that point of pure faith in a young age. I know that my faith and testimony as a young woman was stout and unmovable. Then I began to be distracted by the things of this world that I gave place to doubts and fear. Then eventually in total chaos in my own life and my family. Now, this book! This Book of Mormon, is slowly refining my faith and strengthening it to a point that there is no more doubts. That I trust the Lord completely with everything aspect of my life and my family's.
Yesterday in primary, I taught the children the last 2 verses of "I am a Child of God". I love the fact that I am an instrument in teaching principles and faith to these wonderful, beautiful and precious children of the Lord. That I am the way that I am when it comes to magnifying my calling in Primary. That I can assist in planting a seed in the hearts of these children that one day, they may nourish it on their own.
God has been so good to me. He has been so good to my family. I am in His debt forever. I only pray that the way I live my life will give back a fraction of what He has blessed me with.
JOSEPH and Lehi gives up the ghost
Lehi's final words as a father to his youngest son Joseph. He consecrated this land for Joseph and his descendants as he did Nephi and Sam too. He related the prophecies of Joseph that was sold to Egypt. 11th verse of Chapter 3.
11. But a seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins; and unto him will I give power to bring forth my word unto the seed of thy loins.
15. And his name shall be called after me; and it shall be after the name of his father. And he shall be like unto me; for the thing, which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand, by the power of the Lord shall bring my people unto salvation.
I can only conclude that this is a prophecy of Joseph Smith. He was named after his father Joseph and he was the ultimate instrument next to Jesus Christ in restoring the gospel in this last dispensation.
On 2Nep. 4 Lehi concludes his finals words to all his grandchildren. One by one he brought the children of Laman, Lemuel, Sam and Nephi, all his granchildren and he counsel them that if they keep the commandments they will prosper in the land and will gain favor in the eyes of God.
Lehi dies and thus we see the end of a faithful servant of God. A great and faithful father whose main desire was to save the souls of all his children. While we were reading, I was almost overcome with tears because I thought about my beloved brother Hansen. I love him so much but I think he has chosen not to forgive us, especially our father for his past trespasses. My aunt Peta, said something haunting to me after the Christmas dance we attended at his ward. She was getting up to leave and she hasn't been on speaking terms with my brother for a while now. She was trying to talk to him but as she speaks, he said "Mou o a ee" with no kind of acknowledgment and as if she was nothing at all to him. She said: "Kuo toki mahino kiate au kuo 'osi mo'oni pe 'a Haniseni mei he famili." "It finally dawned on me that Haniseni is finally through with us".
It was a stab to my heart. Painful and raw. I already sense his indifference towards me. I also know for sure that he is unforgiving towards my father and my aunts and uncles. He has forgotten, that my aunt Peta was just like a mother to him when we were growing up. He has forgotten what our father had done for him. I read on and struggled to calm my voice for it was beginning to shake due to unshed tears that threatened to spill on my scriptures. I didn't want my children to see me cry like a demented woman and wondering what brought this on. But I pray, that one day, my brother will learn to forgive my father and his sisters. Especially my beloved Peta.
11. But a seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins; and unto him will I give power to bring forth my word unto the seed of thy loins.
15. And his name shall be called after me; and it shall be after the name of his father. And he shall be like unto me; for the thing, which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand, by the power of the Lord shall bring my people unto salvation.
I can only conclude that this is a prophecy of Joseph Smith. He was named after his father Joseph and he was the ultimate instrument next to Jesus Christ in restoring the gospel in this last dispensation.
On 2Nep. 4 Lehi concludes his finals words to all his grandchildren. One by one he brought the children of Laman, Lemuel, Sam and Nephi, all his granchildren and he counsel them that if they keep the commandments they will prosper in the land and will gain favor in the eyes of God.
Lehi dies and thus we see the end of a faithful servant of God. A great and faithful father whose main desire was to save the souls of all his children. While we were reading, I was almost overcome with tears because I thought about my beloved brother Hansen. I love him so much but I think he has chosen not to forgive us, especially our father for his past trespasses. My aunt Peta, said something haunting to me after the Christmas dance we attended at his ward. She was getting up to leave and she hasn't been on speaking terms with my brother for a while now. She was trying to talk to him but as she speaks, he said "Mou o a ee" with no kind of acknowledgment and as if she was nothing at all to him. She said: "Kuo toki mahino kiate au kuo 'osi mo'oni pe 'a Haniseni mei he famili." "It finally dawned on me that Haniseni is finally through with us".
It was a stab to my heart. Painful and raw. I already sense his indifference towards me. I also know for sure that he is unforgiving towards my father and my aunts and uncles. He has forgotten, that my aunt Peta was just like a mother to him when we were growing up. He has forgotten what our father had done for him. I read on and struggled to calm my voice for it was beginning to shake due to unshed tears that threatened to spill on my scriptures. I didn't want my children to see me cry like a demented woman and wondering what brought this on. But I pray, that one day, my brother will learn to forgive my father and his sisters. Especially my beloved Peta.
Weekends are the most tedious hours for my work. I almost always work 30 hours between Friday to Sunday nights. We missed Saturday's reading for I working but last night we had a good reading. Out of nowhere, all our scriptures seems to appear and more. So as we read now, everyone either take turns reading or following along with their own book in their hands.
In the wilderness, Lehi begats two more sons, Jacob and Joseph. Chapter 2Nephi 2 are Lehi's departing words to his son Jacob. In a single chapter and through a father's counsel, we learn more about these 3 things:
6. Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.
7. Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.
11. For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so...righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.
27. Wherefore, men are free according to teh flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for heseeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.
At a very young age, Jacob witnessed the sufferings and sorrows of his father Lehi due to the rudeness of his brothers Laman and Lemuel. He also learned of the ways of the Lord from his father and his brother Nephi.
Lehi taught Jacob about Jesus Christ and that there must be an oppositions in all things otherwise there will be no progression.
5. And men are instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil. And the law is given unto men. And by the law not flesh is justified; or, by the law men are cut off. Yea, by the temporal law they were cut off; and also, by the spiritual law they perish from that which is good, and become miserable forever.
If there is not law.....there is no sin
if there is no sin........there is no righteousness
if there is no righteousness....there be no happiness
if there is no righteousness or happiness....there be no punishment nor misery
And if these things are not there is no God.
And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away. vs.13
Lehi talked about Adam and Eve. Had they not partaken of the forbidden fruit, they'd have stayed in Eden forever.
25. Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
On vs. 21. Lehi reveals that our days in this flesh is a state of probation.
"JOY" is our true purpose here in this life. Joy comes only through making the right choices. However, as we are still in our flesh, we are bound to make mistakes and this is where the Atonement of Jesus Christ sets in. If we repent, we can be forgiven.
It's a great and magnificent plan that we're all embarking on. It comes full circle with not beginning and no end. Our spirits lives on eternally but not our flesh.
In the wilderness, Lehi begats two more sons, Jacob and Joseph. Chapter 2Nephi 2 are Lehi's departing words to his son Jacob. In a single chapter and through a father's counsel, we learn more about these 3 things:
6. Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.
7. Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.
11. For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so...righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.
27. Wherefore, men are free according to teh flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for heseeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.
At a very young age, Jacob witnessed the sufferings and sorrows of his father Lehi due to the rudeness of his brothers Laman and Lemuel. He also learned of the ways of the Lord from his father and his brother Nephi.
Lehi taught Jacob about Jesus Christ and that there must be an oppositions in all things otherwise there will be no progression.
5. And men are instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil. And the law is given unto men. And by the law not flesh is justified; or, by the law men are cut off. Yea, by the temporal law they were cut off; and also, by the spiritual law they perish from that which is good, and become miserable forever.
If there is not law.....there is no sin
if there is no sin........there is no righteousness
if there is no righteousness....there be no happiness
if there is no righteousness or happiness....there be no punishment nor misery
And if these things are not there is no God.
And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away. vs.13
Lehi talked about Adam and Eve. Had they not partaken of the forbidden fruit, they'd have stayed in Eden forever.
25. Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
On vs. 21. Lehi reveals that our days in this flesh is a state of probation.
"JOY" is our true purpose here in this life. Joy comes only through making the right choices. However, as we are still in our flesh, we are bound to make mistakes and this is where the Atonement of Jesus Christ sets in. If we repent, we can be forgiven.
It's a great and magnificent plan that we're all embarking on. It comes full circle with not beginning and no end. Our spirits lives on eternally but not our flesh.
Friday, January 11, 2013
The Promised Land / Lehi's parting words
This morning, we read around the kitchen table after eating Porridge and bread for breakfast. Nourishing our bodies and then trying to nourish our underfed spirits. The children were lively, distracted and annoying. I had to stop a few times to yell at them, thus, loosing the spirit. I could have easily thrown my hands up in the air and give up reading altogether. But we were on the first chapter of 2Nep. and it was about the abundance blessings that this Promised Land, this America has for all who inherits it. Its was exciting. However, I'm determined to think that morning is THE best time to read as a family.
Nephi, through the last chapters of 1Nep. concluded those chapters with prophecies about the Messiah and other things. In the beginning of 2Nep. Nephi ends his words and then Lehi is putting in his fatherly counsel or his parting words to his children.
14. "Awake! and arise from the dust, and hear the words of a trembling parent, whose limbs ye must soon lay down in the cold and silent grave, from whence no traveler can return; a few more days and I go the way of all the earth."
Here's what Lehi said about the Promised Land: (2Nephi 1: 5-12)
* A land which is choice above all other land
* A land that God covenanted to Lehi and his seed as their inheritance and all those who should be led out of other countries by the hand of the Lord.
* None shall come to this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord
* This land is consecrated unto those whom the Lord has brought forth unto it.
* If the people are righteous and keep God's commandments, they will prosper in this land
* Iniquity will be the downfall of this land.
After talking about the Promised Land. Lehi went on to give his final words to his children. He rejoices in Nephi and those who have chosen to be obedient and faithful. But most of his concerns were towards Laman, Lemuel and those who were rebellious and disobedient. One of my favorite verses in this reading is on v.13. "O that, ye would awake; awake from a deep sleep, yea, even from the sleep of hell, and shake off the awful chains by which ye are bound, which are the chains which bind the children of men, that they are carried away captive down to the eternal gulf of misery and woe."
Every time I read this verse I see it as a warning to straighten up my life. Take a good look and survey what it is that I lack and the things that I need to work on with my family. To cease pursuing that which is trivial, fleeting and that rots with time.
Lehi speaks of curses and the wrath of the Almighty God. That if his children fail to keep the commandments than they will have no promise. That they will be punished with sore curses that can last up to generations after generations. He was "weighed down with sorrow from time to time, for I have feared, lest for the hardness of your hearts the Lord your God should come out in the fullness of his wrath upon you..."
I'm sure at some points in our parenting stages, we fear for the safety of our children. Both physically and spiritually. I can relate to Lehi and the concerns he had for all his children. On verse 23-24 he encouraged:
"Awake, my sons; put on, the armor of righteousness. Shake off the chains with which yea are bound, and come forth out of obscurity, and arise from the dust...Rebel no more.."
In conclusion, Lehi urged Laman and Lemuel to listen to the words of Nephi. It's not that Nephi wants to be a leader over the or a king. It's because Nephi has remained faithful, obedient and always in tune with the will of God.
In our reading, I will not blog of every detail of every chapters. Only of things that pertains to me as a mother and a parent and that can help me in the daily struggles in this wonderful and what seems to be very short life since I'm getting old fast. LOL.
Nephi, through the last chapters of 1Nep. concluded those chapters with prophecies about the Messiah and other things. In the beginning of 2Nep. Nephi ends his words and then Lehi is putting in his fatherly counsel or his parting words to his children.
14. "Awake! and arise from the dust, and hear the words of a trembling parent, whose limbs ye must soon lay down in the cold and silent grave, from whence no traveler can return; a few more days and I go the way of all the earth."
Here's what Lehi said about the Promised Land: (2Nephi 1: 5-12)
* A land which is choice above all other land
* A land that God covenanted to Lehi and his seed as their inheritance and all those who should be led out of other countries by the hand of the Lord.
* None shall come to this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord
* This land is consecrated unto those whom the Lord has brought forth unto it.
* If the people are righteous and keep God's commandments, they will prosper in this land
* Iniquity will be the downfall of this land.
After talking about the Promised Land. Lehi went on to give his final words to his children. He rejoices in Nephi and those who have chosen to be obedient and faithful. But most of his concerns were towards Laman, Lemuel and those who were rebellious and disobedient. One of my favorite verses in this reading is on v.13. "O that, ye would awake; awake from a deep sleep, yea, even from the sleep of hell, and shake off the awful chains by which ye are bound, which are the chains which bind the children of men, that they are carried away captive down to the eternal gulf of misery and woe."
Every time I read this verse I see it as a warning to straighten up my life. Take a good look and survey what it is that I lack and the things that I need to work on with my family. To cease pursuing that which is trivial, fleeting and that rots with time.
Lehi speaks of curses and the wrath of the Almighty God. That if his children fail to keep the commandments than they will have no promise. That they will be punished with sore curses that can last up to generations after generations. He was "weighed down with sorrow from time to time, for I have feared, lest for the hardness of your hearts the Lord your God should come out in the fullness of his wrath upon you..."
I'm sure at some points in our parenting stages, we fear for the safety of our children. Both physically and spiritually. I can relate to Lehi and the concerns he had for all his children. On verse 23-24 he encouraged:
"Awake, my sons; put on, the armor of righteousness. Shake off the chains with which yea are bound, and come forth out of obscurity, and arise from the dust...Rebel no more.."
In conclusion, Lehi urged Laman and Lemuel to listen to the words of Nephi. It's not that Nephi wants to be a leader over the or a king. It's because Nephi has remained faithful, obedient and always in tune with the will of God.
In our reading, I will not blog of every detail of every chapters. Only of things that pertains to me as a mother and a parent and that can help me in the daily struggles in this wonderful and what seems to be very short life since I'm getting old fast. LOL.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Fiery Flying Serpents and Past feeling
An interesting story in the Old Testament, that Nephi reminded Laman and Lemuel of, was that of the fiery flying serpents. That even when the Lord send them forth to destroy the Israelites because of their wickedness, He also provided a way for them to be healed if they only "look" upon the pole that Moses had prepared.
"...because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished." (1Nep.17:41)
How hard was it for those who were dying to look upon the pole that Moses held? Could they have been, like me at times, stubborn, prideful, rebellious and hardened their hearts to the will of God? Nephi went on the chasten his brothers on vs. 45. "Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God." The older brothers from time to time, seen angels and heard the voice of the Lord, and yet, they still choose to be stubborn. Then Nephi went on. "...but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words..."
I have traveled in the way of "past feelings" many times in my life. Just like that of the Israelites and Laman and Lemuel, I became unyielding in my ways, knowing very well that I am disobedient and wayward. And yet, I continued and unrepentant at that. Disregarding everything until I am constricted to repent and turn my ways around. Those were always the most miserable times of my life. The down times for there was no where and no one else to turn to, I could only find the Lord at the end of the spectrum.
So when the Lord commanded Nephi to build a ship. Nephi only asked "Where do I find the ore to build the ship?" He didn't ask why, what and how. He only asked "where" for he already know that when the Lord gives us any commandments, He will always, always provide a way for us to accomplish them. His ways are simple and easy. He won't ask us for anything that is beyond our capacity to overcome and accomplish.
"...because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished." (1Nep.17:41)
How hard was it for those who were dying to look upon the pole that Moses held? Could they have been, like me at times, stubborn, prideful, rebellious and hardened their hearts to the will of God? Nephi went on the chasten his brothers on vs. 45. "Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God." The older brothers from time to time, seen angels and heard the voice of the Lord, and yet, they still choose to be stubborn. Then Nephi went on. "...but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words..."
I have traveled in the way of "past feelings" many times in my life. Just like that of the Israelites and Laman and Lemuel, I became unyielding in my ways, knowing very well that I am disobedient and wayward. And yet, I continued and unrepentant at that. Disregarding everything until I am constricted to repent and turn my ways around. Those were always the most miserable times of my life. The down times for there was no where and no one else to turn to, I could only find the Lord at the end of the spectrum.
So when the Lord commanded Nephi to build a ship. Nephi only asked "Where do I find the ore to build the ship?" He didn't ask why, what and how. He only asked "where" for he already know that when the Lord gives us any commandments, He will always, always provide a way for us to accomplish them. His ways are simple and easy. He won't ask us for anything that is beyond our capacity to overcome and accomplish.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Most days, when we can, we read morning and evening. But we are consistent with our reading in the morning. 6:30 every morning. Last night we read up to Chapter 17 of 1Nep. I have to stop constantly to make sure the kids are listening and not distracted with other things. Especially the demon puppies we have in our house. Also to explain things that they might not be able to understand. It's always interesting to see how they react or what they know already concerning what is going on in the Book of Mormon.
For years now, (8 yrs) Lehi and his family have traveled and dwelled in the wilderness. They suffered much afflictions as would be typical of anyone taking on such a journey. I would imagine their women suffered the most because at this time, they were bearing children as they were journeying. The Lord blessed them that they didn't have to cook much but made their raw meat sweet so they wouldn't get sick and that they'd have plenty "suckling" to feed their babies. The women became "strong, yea, even like unto the men; and they began to bear their journeyings without murmurings".
I wondered about these women. Had I been one of them, would I murmur too. Hmmm? May be and may be not. In my own life now, I'd like to think I have bored my burdens and afflictions with much patience. Not so much in a physical sense like these women of old. But as a modern day woman, the Lord has blessed me with the strength and the will to endure and endure well. With my husband been sick and unemployed for years, there were times I felt more like a struggling single mother trying to balance everything out by myself.
But then the Lord have taught me over the years that I am not alone. In my mind and heart He's always there to whisper to me "Hey, I am always here with you. All you need is to turn to me. You don't have to do it alone!" But sometimes, being a stubborn mule, I tend to complain and ask the same questions like the ones often seen in the Book of Mormon, "Why, why, why". So as days grow into years, I'm finally realizing that it's useless trying to make sense of things. That I needed to trust in the hands of a loving Father and be more submissive to his will. As a child to a her loving parents. That I needed to be more like NEPHI. Completely submissive to the will of God. This is why Nephi was able to bear everything the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him.
This year is different when reading the Book of Mormon. I think it's because I'm not doing it just because it's the thing that has to be done. I'm doing it because it's what my family needs to do now. We're reading with much enthusiasm and a greater desire to absorb every little detail that can help us in our current journey as a family. If there's a time that this needed to be done, it's now. With so much chaos going on around the world, my children and my family needs to wax stronger in Lord. And this book, this wonderful Book of Mormon teaches and inspires us of ways that we can have greater faith and trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Before the end of the year last year, our family went in for tithing settlement. Our bishop, (Tavake) was waiting for us in his office with so much excitement for the new year. He's already set goals and plans for the ward members and we went over some of them. Reading the Book of Mormon was one of them and I think this also triggered the excitement I had to improve my family by setting the goal to be consistent in reading. Bishop Tavake, this past Sunday, gave us a laminated schedule to mark our reading each and every day. I don't think I've ever been this excited to read the Book of Mormon. So far so good.
For years now, (8 yrs) Lehi and his family have traveled and dwelled in the wilderness. They suffered much afflictions as would be typical of anyone taking on such a journey. I would imagine their women suffered the most because at this time, they were bearing children as they were journeying. The Lord blessed them that they didn't have to cook much but made their raw meat sweet so they wouldn't get sick and that they'd have plenty "suckling" to feed their babies. The women became "strong, yea, even like unto the men; and they began to bear their journeyings without murmurings".
I wondered about these women. Had I been one of them, would I murmur too. Hmmm? May be and may be not. In my own life now, I'd like to think I have bored my burdens and afflictions with much patience. Not so much in a physical sense like these women of old. But as a modern day woman, the Lord has blessed me with the strength and the will to endure and endure well. With my husband been sick and unemployed for years, there were times I felt more like a struggling single mother trying to balance everything out by myself.
But then the Lord have taught me over the years that I am not alone. In my mind and heart He's always there to whisper to me "Hey, I am always here with you. All you need is to turn to me. You don't have to do it alone!" But sometimes, being a stubborn mule, I tend to complain and ask the same questions like the ones often seen in the Book of Mormon, "Why, why, why". So as days grow into years, I'm finally realizing that it's useless trying to make sense of things. That I needed to trust in the hands of a loving Father and be more submissive to his will. As a child to a her loving parents. That I needed to be more like NEPHI. Completely submissive to the will of God. This is why Nephi was able to bear everything the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him.
This year is different when reading the Book of Mormon. I think it's because I'm not doing it just because it's the thing that has to be done. I'm doing it because it's what my family needs to do now. We're reading with much enthusiasm and a greater desire to absorb every little detail that can help us in our current journey as a family. If there's a time that this needed to be done, it's now. With so much chaos going on around the world, my children and my family needs to wax stronger in Lord. And this book, this wonderful Book of Mormon teaches and inspires us of ways that we can have greater faith and trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Before the end of the year last year, our family went in for tithing settlement. Our bishop, (Tavake) was waiting for us in his office with so much excitement for the new year. He's already set goals and plans for the ward members and we went over some of them. Reading the Book of Mormon was one of them and I think this also triggered the excitement I had to improve my family by setting the goal to be consistent in reading. Bishop Tavake, this past Sunday, gave us a laminated schedule to mark our reading each and every day. I don't think I've ever been this excited to read the Book of Mormon. So far so good.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Marriage, a Liahona, a broken bow and Ishmael dies
On 1Nephi 16, Nephi and his brothers take on the daughters of Ismael to wed. This makes so much sense for how lonely it would be, had Nephi and his brothers and sisters travel without the comfort of wives and spouses.
Lehi found a ball "of curious workmanship; and it was of fine brass. And within the ball were two spindles; and the one pointed the way whither we should go into the wilderness." The other spindle, worked according to their faiths." This ball is known to this day as the LIAHONA. Many times during their travel, they couldn't progress because of the lack of faith that some of them had. They have to be constantly reminded and be repentful before they can continue.
Now the part of the reading this morning that I really enjoyed, was when Nephi had broken his bow and his brothers bowstrings were loose and they could not obtain food. EVERYONE complained including his father. They started murmuring and complaining. Only Nephi never gave up hope. Even when everyone blamed him for their own lack of food. Why Why Why is the Lord doing this to us?
Nephi made a bow and arrow out of woods. And even with his own father murmuring, Nephi had enough respect to still go to him and inquired of his father, where he should go hunting for food. He never doubted the knowledge and faith that Lehi had. Nephi went to his father, his father went and inquired of the Lord, repentant and humbled. The Lord chastened Lehi because of his murmurings and then continue to guide and direct them according to His will. Nephi was able to go and and slay a beast and brought it home for them to feast upon.
This made me thought of my own father. There were times, as a young girl growing up, where he was the model of perfection in my life. Always so strong and so perfect. Then as I mature and he's aging, I begin to notice that he wasn't so perfect after all, yet, this new discovery did not diminish the respect and honor I had for him. I was somehow disappointed but I was instantly reminded that no one is perfect after all. Not me, not him and definitely not anyone else. Only Christ himself.
We ended our reading with the death of Ishmael. (1Nep.16:34) This wind up anger, resentment and grief from some of his children and Laman and Lemuel themselves. So, they plotted to slay their own father Lehi and their brother Nephi. They assumed that Nephi wanted to make himself king over them. In a voice, the Lord came and chastened them and they became repentful of their sins and the Lord once again continued to bless them.
It's a repeated cycle with Laman and Lemuel. They sin, they're humbled and then they repent. How much easier it would have been had they be all like Nephi. I can imagine the joy that Lehi and Sariah would have had. The peace.
Lehi found a ball "of curious workmanship; and it was of fine brass. And within the ball were two spindles; and the one pointed the way whither we should go into the wilderness." The other spindle, worked according to their faiths." This ball is known to this day as the LIAHONA. Many times during their travel, they couldn't progress because of the lack of faith that some of them had. They have to be constantly reminded and be repentful before they can continue.
Now the part of the reading this morning that I really enjoyed, was when Nephi had broken his bow and his brothers bowstrings were loose and they could not obtain food. EVERYONE complained including his father. They started murmuring and complaining. Only Nephi never gave up hope. Even when everyone blamed him for their own lack of food. Why Why Why is the Lord doing this to us?
Nephi made a bow and arrow out of woods. And even with his own father murmuring, Nephi had enough respect to still go to him and inquired of his father, where he should go hunting for food. He never doubted the knowledge and faith that Lehi had. Nephi went to his father, his father went and inquired of the Lord, repentant and humbled. The Lord chastened Lehi because of his murmurings and then continue to guide and direct them according to His will. Nephi was able to go and and slay a beast and brought it home for them to feast upon.
This made me thought of my own father. There were times, as a young girl growing up, where he was the model of perfection in my life. Always so strong and so perfect. Then as I mature and he's aging, I begin to notice that he wasn't so perfect after all, yet, this new discovery did not diminish the respect and honor I had for him. I was somehow disappointed but I was instantly reminded that no one is perfect after all. Not me, not him and definitely not anyone else. Only Christ himself.
We ended our reading with the death of Ishmael. (1Nep.16:34) This wind up anger, resentment and grief from some of his children and Laman and Lemuel themselves. So, they plotted to slay their own father Lehi and their brother Nephi. They assumed that Nephi wanted to make himself king over them. In a voice, the Lord came and chastened them and they became repentful of their sins and the Lord once again continued to bless them.
It's a repeated cycle with Laman and Lemuel. They sin, they're humbled and then they repent. How much easier it would have been had they be all like Nephi. I can imagine the joy that Lehi and Sariah would have had. The peace.
Meaning of Lehi's Dream
Nephi explains to his brothers the meaning of their father's dream.
The Tree of Life---------------------------The Love of God
Rod of Iron-------------------------------The Word of God
Great and Spacious Building---------------The Pride of the World
River of filthy Water-----------------------The depths of Hell
Mist of darkness--------------------------Temptations of the Devil
Nephi emphasizes to his brothers that "... there cannot any unclean thing enter into the kingdom of God." (1Nep.15:34) That every man will be judged according to their own works and that there will be a separation between "righteousness" and "filthiness". There's a place prepared for that which is "clean" and a place prepared for that which is "filthy". The devil is the preparator of that "awful hell" for those who are not righteous.
After Nephi took time to explain everything to his brothers, they said:
"Thous has declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear."
To this, Nephi replied: "...wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center." To this, his brothers, to his surprise, humbled themselves and Nephi became hopeful for them.
The Tree of Life---------------------------The Love of God
Rod of Iron-------------------------------The Word of God
Great and Spacious Building---------------The Pride of the World
River of filthy Water-----------------------The depths of Hell
Mist of darkness--------------------------Temptations of the Devil
Nephi emphasizes to his brothers that "... there cannot any unclean thing enter into the kingdom of God." (1Nep.15:34) That every man will be judged according to their own works and that there will be a separation between "righteousness" and "filthiness". There's a place prepared for that which is "clean" and a place prepared for that which is "filthy". The devil is the preparator of that "awful hell" for those who are not righteous.
After Nephi took time to explain everything to his brothers, they said:
"Thous has declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear."
To this, Nephi replied: "...wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center." To this, his brothers, to his surprise, humbled themselves and Nephi became hopeful for them.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Have ye inquired of the Lord?
After the angel had shown Nephi all the meaning of his father Lehi's dream. He returned home to find his brothers arguing over the words of their father Lehi concerning the "natural branches of the olive-tree, and also concerning the Gentiles." (1Nep.15:7) Nephi at this point had just witnessed the destruction of his people because of their wickedness and hardheartedness. He was in turmoil and it didn't lighten his grief when he came to find chaos in his home. His brothers were disputing over something that could have been avoided if they had done just a one simple thing. The first question that came out of his mouth was:
"...We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us."
To that Nephi replied:
"How is it that ye do not keep the commandment of the Lord? How is it that ye will perish, because of the hardness of your hearts? ...Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said? ...If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you."
The he went on to explain the meaning of his father's dream.
Unlike Nephi, Laman and Lemuel dwell in a state of indifference, really not desiring the wisdom and knowledge to know about the meaning of their father's dream. It was just not important enough for them. They were willing to argue and fight over it though. But as the true character of Nephi shows, he took the time to explain the meaning of their father's words and he was thorough and patience as he was doing it.
Nephi's question to his brothers reveal the epitome of the great faith he had. That everything he did, he always inquire of the Lord first. He put his faith and his trust utterly and completely over to the Almighty God. He did not rely on his own strength or in his own wisdom. He was diligent in keeping the commandments and never wavers in his faith no matter what problem was there for him to overcome. He knew that "where there is a will, there is a way". And that the Lord will ALWAYS, ALWAYS provide.
In my own life, I'm beginning see that I, too, can have the same FAITH that Nephi had. I only need to be submissive to the will of God. By a refinement of character, curbing of desires, controlling of appetites and desiring the things that are pleasing unto God alone. Allowing the Love of Christ to dwell within my heart to the point where I could no more feel anything but the pure love of Christ towards my fellowmen. Then and only then will I become like unto Nephi.
"...We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us."
To that Nephi replied:
"How is it that ye do not keep the commandment of the Lord? How is it that ye will perish, because of the hardness of your hearts? ...Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said? ...If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you."
The he went on to explain the meaning of his father's dream.
Unlike Nephi, Laman and Lemuel dwell in a state of indifference, really not desiring the wisdom and knowledge to know about the meaning of their father's dream. It was just not important enough for them. They were willing to argue and fight over it though. But as the true character of Nephi shows, he took the time to explain the meaning of their father's words and he was thorough and patience as he was doing it.
Nephi's question to his brothers reveal the epitome of the great faith he had. That everything he did, he always inquire of the Lord first. He put his faith and his trust utterly and completely over to the Almighty God. He did not rely on his own strength or in his own wisdom. He was diligent in keeping the commandments and never wavers in his faith no matter what problem was there for him to overcome. He knew that "where there is a will, there is a way". And that the Lord will ALWAYS, ALWAYS provide.
In my own life, I'm beginning see that I, too, can have the same FAITH that Nephi had. I only need to be submissive to the will of God. By a refinement of character, curbing of desires, controlling of appetites and desiring the things that are pleasing unto God alone. Allowing the Love of Christ to dwell within my heart to the point where I could no more feel anything but the pure love of Christ towards my fellowmen. Then and only then will I become like unto Nephi.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
The Foundation
My scripture journey can be compared to a traveling Camel on a hot desert. Slow and dry, but steady and sure. It's funny how all my life I've always learned and know about Nephi. My father read to us as young children, the story of Nephi and I can recall so clearly the power of faith my father had in the Book of Mormon. This was his favorite story of all. The story of Lehi and his children and it transposed to me as a young girl. Just that, I think I've always taken this story for granted as it is as old as time and I've heard it over and over again everywhere. I mean everywhere. At church, school and home.
As I age, I came to appreciate Nephi more. He was still very young at the commencement of the Book of Mormon. His incredible courage to endure every affliction at such a young age. The ordeals and events, so long ago, still so useful and significant, even down to this generation upon generation. I'm in awe at Nephi's obedient, loyalty and faith. His desires to know what his father Lehi saw in his dreams. On our reading right now, we're on the chapter where the angel is showing him everything his father saw and also showing him the meaning of his father's dream.
At a very young age, Nephi had to deal with two incredibly murmuring, disobedient and bully older brothers. It must have been so difficult to have to deal with two grown and rebellious men. A constant thorn at his side, yet he thrives in the midst of their hatred and aggressiveness towards him. Truly Nephi is a hero. The burdens of knowing his people will be annihilated must have been staggering because the angel showed him everything even the birth of the Messiah Jesus Christ. His mission as well as His crucifixion. He saw the Savior's visit to the Americas right after he rose from the dead.
I can sense the children heeding their attention and listening ears when I read. Leave it to me to make sure we always have an intense and exciting reading session. After we read we'd sing from the Primary songs that has to do with our reading. "Nephi's Courage", "Keep the Commandments" and many more. Even in youth they still remember the Primary songs that I've taught them when they were young. That's comforting to know as a parent. That they remember. Just how I remember when my dad use to read to us.
As I age, I came to appreciate Nephi more. He was still very young at the commencement of the Book of Mormon. His incredible courage to endure every affliction at such a young age. The ordeals and events, so long ago, still so useful and significant, even down to this generation upon generation. I'm in awe at Nephi's obedient, loyalty and faith. His desires to know what his father Lehi saw in his dreams. On our reading right now, we're on the chapter where the angel is showing him everything his father saw and also showing him the meaning of his father's dream.
At a very young age, Nephi had to deal with two incredibly murmuring, disobedient and bully older brothers. It must have been so difficult to have to deal with two grown and rebellious men. A constant thorn at his side, yet he thrives in the midst of their hatred and aggressiveness towards him. Truly Nephi is a hero. The burdens of knowing his people will be annihilated must have been staggering because the angel showed him everything even the birth of the Messiah Jesus Christ. His mission as well as His crucifixion. He saw the Savior's visit to the Americas right after he rose from the dead.
I can sense the children heeding their attention and listening ears when I read. Leave it to me to make sure we always have an intense and exciting reading session. After we read we'd sing from the Primary songs that has to do with our reading. "Nephi's Courage", "Keep the Commandments" and many more. Even in youth they still remember the Primary songs that I've taught them when they were young. That's comforting to know as a parent. That they remember. Just how I remember when my dad use to read to us.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Nephi's Desires and a missing child
In previous studies I have come to understand the meaning of Lehi's dream. They may be simple, but I'm trying to teach my children to grasp the significance of the dream so they themselves can understand it. What forlorn feelings must have tormented Lehi when his two oldest sons refused to partake of the fruit. He awaken very much weary and haunted with grief because he knew that if Laman and Lemuel did not repent, they will be cast off from the presence of the Lord.
He "exhort them then with all the feeling of a tender parent, that they would hearken his words, that perhaps the Lord would be merciful to them..." (1Nep. 8:37) Lehi did not refrain from teaching his children. He understood his duties and responsibilities as a parent and a father. He did not only teach his children the commandments of God, but he also taught them the history and the disperse of the Jews into captivity to Babylon.
Most importantly, Lehi taught them about the Savior Jesus Christ for he saw his birth in a vision. That Jesus will be the Savior and Redeemer of the world. He also spoke to his children about John the Baptist. How he is the preparer of the way. (1Nep. 10:7) He saw John the Baptist baptizing Jesus in Bethabara, beyond Jodan. Then he saw the crucifixion of the Savior by the Jews. Everything he saw, he taught to his children and Nephi desired to know every meaning of his father's dream.
This Nephi, who was mighty in faith and in stature was always on the same page with his father. On 1Nep. 10:19 "...he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round."
In the beginning of 1 Nep. 11, Nephi pondered heavily in his mind the things his father saw and he was desirous to know everything. He believed that the Lord will manifest and make known to his everything his heart desired about Lehi's dream. The following verses of this chapter tells about how Nephi's desires were all fulfilled because of his great faith.
We were missing one child during our reading this morning because she has a habit of changing a hundred times before she goes off to school. Tonite I will make sure she lays her clothes out yet I know even if she does this, she'll still be late because she's bipolar like that and will continue changing her mind in the morning no matter what. Mahonrai, being the man that he is, is always on top of our morning reading. I find that 8pm is a little late for evening reading. Mahonrai tends to dose off swearing the following morning we ended on a different page. I said "that's the place you were knocked out on". He just smiled.
Reading the scriptures rekindles my faith. As we loose focus on what's important, our faith tend to weaken and fades in strength.. I find that I can be like Nephi and have that "unwavering" faith when I stay close every day to the Lord and put my trust in Him in everything. There were many times before in my life when I have this immovable and blind faith and trust in God. Those were my strongest moments. Then there are times where I draw myself far from Him, due to poor choices and ill desires. Focusing on material and carnal things of this world. I pray that I will never ever turn away again from my source of living. My God and Jesus Christ.
He "exhort them then with all the feeling of a tender parent, that they would hearken his words, that perhaps the Lord would be merciful to them..." (1Nep. 8:37) Lehi did not refrain from teaching his children. He understood his duties and responsibilities as a parent and a father. He did not only teach his children the commandments of God, but he also taught them the history and the disperse of the Jews into captivity to Babylon.
Most importantly, Lehi taught them about the Savior Jesus Christ for he saw his birth in a vision. That Jesus will be the Savior and Redeemer of the world. He also spoke to his children about John the Baptist. How he is the preparer of the way. (1Nep. 10:7) He saw John the Baptist baptizing Jesus in Bethabara, beyond Jodan. Then he saw the crucifixion of the Savior by the Jews. Everything he saw, he taught to his children and Nephi desired to know every meaning of his father's dream.
This Nephi, who was mighty in faith and in stature was always on the same page with his father. On 1Nep. 10:19 "...he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round."
In the beginning of 1 Nep. 11, Nephi pondered heavily in his mind the things his father saw and he was desirous to know everything. He believed that the Lord will manifest and make known to his everything his heart desired about Lehi's dream. The following verses of this chapter tells about how Nephi's desires were all fulfilled because of his great faith.
We were missing one child during our reading this morning because she has a habit of changing a hundred times before she goes off to school. Tonite I will make sure she lays her clothes out yet I know even if she does this, she'll still be late because she's bipolar like that and will continue changing her mind in the morning no matter what. Mahonrai, being the man that he is, is always on top of our morning reading. I find that 8pm is a little late for evening reading. Mahonrai tends to dose off swearing the following morning we ended on a different page. I said "that's the place you were knocked out on". He just smiled.
Reading the scriptures rekindles my faith. As we loose focus on what's important, our faith tend to weaken and fades in strength.. I find that I can be like Nephi and have that "unwavering" faith when I stay close every day to the Lord and put my trust in Him in everything. There were many times before in my life when I have this immovable and blind faith and trust in God. Those were my strongest moments. Then there are times where I draw myself far from Him, due to poor choices and ill desires. Focusing on material and carnal things of this world. I pray that I will never ever turn away again from my source of living. My God and Jesus Christ.
Lehi's Dream

Lehi gathers all his family around him so he can tell them about a vision he had that came in a form of a dream. In his heart he was rejoicing for his sons Nephi and Sam but not for Laman and Lemuel. He saw
* A dark and dreary wilderness
* A man dressed in a white robe who came and bade Lehi to follow him
* As Lehi follow, he was in a dark and dreary waste. He traveled for many hours then he started to pray to the Lord to have mercy on him
* Large and spacious field
* A Tree "whose fruit was desirable to make one happy"
* Lehi went forth and partake of the fruit "it was most sweet above all that I ever before tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to exceed all the whiteness that I have ever seen."
The fruit filled Lehi's soul with "exceedingly great joy" and he desired that all his family should partake of it too..."it was desirable above all other fruit".
* As Lehi was looking for his family he saw a river of water and it ran along near the tree. At the head of the river, he saw his wife Sariah, Nephi and Sam. They stood there not knowing where to go
* Lehi beckoned them and loudly encouraged them to came and partake of the fruit
* They joined him and did partake of the fruit
* Lehi wanted Laman and Lemuel to join them, he looked and found them but did not want to partake of the fruit.
* A rod of iron extended along the bank of the river and led to the tree by which he stood
* A straight and narrow path which came along by the rod of iron, even up to the tree where Lehi was
"It was led by the head of the fountain, unto a large and spacious field, as if it had been a world,"
* Numberless concourses of people pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree where Lehi was
* A "great mist of darkness arose" that led away many who have started on the straight and narrow path towards the tree. They "lose their way, that they wandered off and were lost".
* Others pressed forward and came forth, caught hold of the end of the iron rod: press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron until they got to the tree and partake of the fruits. After they partake of the fruits, they seemed to be ashamed that they did.
* On the other side of the river was a great and spacious building which stood as if it were in the air, high above the earth. In it was filled with people old and young, both male and female and they were richly dressed and in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit. Those who partook of the fruit and were ashamed because of the others scoffing at them, fell away into the forbidden paths and were lost.
* Other multitudes pressing forward, came and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron, and did press forward continually holding fast until they got to the tree and partook of the fruit
* Multitudes pressing forward towards the great and spacious building. Many were drowned in the depths of the fountain, many were lost from his view, wandering in strange roads.
* Great were the multitudes that entered into that strange building and after they entered the building they scorn their fingers to Lehi and those who partook of the fruit but Lehi and them did not pay any attention to them.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Starting Over
For three days now we've miraculously, as a family, managed to read consistently for 15 minutes in the mornings. I've decided that the best time to read is the morning where the mind is fresh and what better way for all of us to start the day. I can't say exactly how many times through the past years we have struggled to finish the Book of Mormon. I have finished it personally on my mission from cover to cover and even in high school. But as a family, we've read and somehow get distracted and then start over and there it goes.
We've start over and over I think a thousand times already. But each time I sit down with my children to read, I learn something new every single time. It never cease to amaze me. This book. This gift that have been preserved to help me teach my children and soften their hearts. I feel it whenever we read. The magic it weaves through the hearts of my children. They become more obedient and submissive to the things we tell them as parents.
I've attempted to keep a personal journal on our reading but I find it easier to sit on the computer and type away. Since I work from home, I can blog about our reading while I'm working.
We're in the middle of 1Nep. Chap. 8. Already the Lord has commanded Lehi to have them go back twice to Jerusalem. First journey to obtain the brass plates from Laban. Second, to persuade Ismael and his family to join them in their journey for the men needed wives. As we read about the first journey back, I came to realize how critical and significant it is for Lehi and his family that the boys should go and obtain the Brass Plates. These records helped him teach his children of the will of God that has transpired through the ages.
As always, I'm at awe at the faith that young Nephi had. The love and respect he had for his father and how the Lord continually blessed him. But I also keep wondering, why the heck didn't Lehi just shoo Laman and Lemuel to go back to Jerusalem and let them perish withe rest of the wicked people back there! On the way back from the second journey, Nephi assured them that if the go back, they will perish with the rest and I guess that probably scared the daylights out of them.
I conclude that like any normal parent, Lehi never wanted to loose Laman and Lemuel. Like any normal parents, we'd never want to turn our back on our own children no matter how bad they become. Like any normal parents, we will do whatever it takes, to help our children. There was a Promised Land and Lehi wanted ALL his children, not just Nephi and Sam and his daughters. No, he wanted all his children to get there. Just like how Heavenly Father wants all of us, His children to return back home to Him and He is always there for us and never turns His back on us.
We've start over and over I think a thousand times already. But each time I sit down with my children to read, I learn something new every single time. It never cease to amaze me. This book. This gift that have been preserved to help me teach my children and soften their hearts. I feel it whenever we read. The magic it weaves through the hearts of my children. They become more obedient and submissive to the things we tell them as parents.
I've attempted to keep a personal journal on our reading but I find it easier to sit on the computer and type away. Since I work from home, I can blog about our reading while I'm working.
We're in the middle of 1Nep. Chap. 8. Already the Lord has commanded Lehi to have them go back twice to Jerusalem. First journey to obtain the brass plates from Laban. Second, to persuade Ismael and his family to join them in their journey for the men needed wives. As we read about the first journey back, I came to realize how critical and significant it is for Lehi and his family that the boys should go and obtain the Brass Plates. These records helped him teach his children of the will of God that has transpired through the ages.
As always, I'm at awe at the faith that young Nephi had. The love and respect he had for his father and how the Lord continually blessed him. But I also keep wondering, why the heck didn't Lehi just shoo Laman and Lemuel to go back to Jerusalem and let them perish withe rest of the wicked people back there! On the way back from the second journey, Nephi assured them that if the go back, they will perish with the rest and I guess that probably scared the daylights out of them.
I conclude that like any normal parent, Lehi never wanted to loose Laman and Lemuel. Like any normal parents, we'd never want to turn our back on our own children no matter how bad they become. Like any normal parents, we will do whatever it takes, to help our children. There was a Promised Land and Lehi wanted ALL his children, not just Nephi and Sam and his daughters. No, he wanted all his children to get there. Just like how Heavenly Father wants all of us, His children to return back home to Him and He is always there for us and never turns His back on us.
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