Lehi gathers all his family around him so he can tell them about a vision he had that came in a form of a dream. In his heart he was rejoicing for his sons Nephi and Sam but not for Laman and Lemuel. He saw
* A dark and dreary wilderness
* A man dressed in a white robe who came and bade Lehi to follow him
* As Lehi follow, he was in a dark and dreary waste. He traveled for many hours then he started to pray to the Lord to have mercy on him
* Large and spacious field
* A Tree "whose fruit was desirable to make one happy"
* Lehi went forth and partake of the fruit "it was most sweet above all that I ever before tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to exceed all the whiteness that I have ever seen."
The fruit filled Lehi's soul with "exceedingly great joy" and he desired that all his family should partake of it too..."it was desirable above all other fruit".
* As Lehi was looking for his family he saw a river of water and it ran along near the tree. At the head of the river, he saw his wife Sariah, Nephi and Sam. They stood there not knowing where to go
* Lehi beckoned them and loudly encouraged them to came and partake of the fruit
* They joined him and did partake of the fruit
* Lehi wanted Laman and Lemuel to join them, he looked and found them but did not want to partake of the fruit.
* A rod of iron extended along the bank of the river and led to the tree by which he stood
* A straight and narrow path which came along by the rod of iron, even up to the tree where Lehi was
"It was led by the head of the fountain, unto a large and spacious field, as if it had been a world,"
* Numberless concourses of people pressing forward, that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree where Lehi was
* A "great mist of darkness arose" that led away many who have started on the straight and narrow path towards the tree. They "lose their way, that they wandered off and were lost".
* Others pressed forward and came forth, caught hold of the end of the iron rod: press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron until they got to the tree and partake of the fruits. After they partake of the fruits, they seemed to be ashamed that they did.
* On the other side of the river was a great and spacious building which stood as if it were in the air, high above the earth. In it was filled with people old and young, both male and female and they were richly dressed and in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit. Those who partook of the fruit and were ashamed because of the others scoffing at them, fell away into the forbidden paths and were lost.
* Other multitudes pressing forward, came and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron, and did press forward continually holding fast until they got to the tree and partook of the fruit
* Multitudes pressing forward towards the great and spacious building. Many were drowned in the depths of the fountain, many were lost from his view, wandering in strange roads.
* Great were the multitudes that entered into that strange building and after they entered the building they scorn their fingers to Lehi and those who partook of the fruit but Lehi and them did not pay any attention to them.
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